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May 13, 2002
January 29, 003

Is the building and preservation of so-called "sacred places" the next step in Bush's federal faith-based initiative?

For the first time in U.S. history, public money would help build churches, mosques, temples and other houses of worship as long as part of those facilities are also used for social programs according to new policy being implemented by the Bush administration.

The plan is part of an expansive White House initiative which would direct billions of federal dollars into the coffers of religious groups seeking to operate faith-based social outreaches. While Congress has yet to approve any legislation authorizing the program, President Bush has used his power of issuing Executive Orders to have key federal agencies rewrite their internal regulations, and make churches and other houses of worship eligible for a wide range of grants and government assistance.

So far, the Bush plan has proposed subsidizing faith-based social programs with administrative funding, training seminars and other forms of aid. The new policy shift, announced in a proposed rule change for the Department of Housing and Urban Development, significantly expands the scope of government entitlement, though, and makes money available for construction or rehabilitation of church facilities. Last year, HUD disbursed $7.7 billion for various housing and community development grants. Current regulations generally prohibit religious groups from receiving this form of assistance, though, since it clearly violates the separation of church and state.

Supporters of the faith-based initiatives criticize that constraint, and say that the new HUD regulations would simply end discrimination against religious groups, and put churches "on a level playing field" with secular counterparts when seeking public money.

"We see no reason to exclude religious organizations from participation in these programs if there can be a reasonable mechanism to ensure that a program has no particular religious connotation one way or another," declared Richard Hauser, general counsel to HUD. He told the New York Times, "There's no reason you can't have a cathedral upstairs and something that would look like any other room in the basement for counseling."

But critics are attacking the proposal, charging that it places the government -- and taxpayers -- in the role of constructing churches, mosques, temples or other houses of worship in clear violation of the First Amendment's Establishment Clause.

In a media statement released Sunday, American Atheists President Ellen Johnson warned: "For the first time since the American Revolution, taxpayers will be picking up the tab for building churches and other facilities used for sectarian worship as part of a scheme just to further the faith-based initiative."

"It's pretty clear that this new rule is also part of a plan to use government money to pay for the rehabilitation of dilapidated houses of worship, and divert money away from secular social services," Johnson added.

Christopher Anders, legal counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union told reporters that the new Bush plan "is probably the most clearly unconstitutional aspect of the White House's faith-based initiative that we've seen up to this point."

Other critics like Massachusetts Rep. Barney Frank said that the new HUD rules would require government officials to determine which part of a building was to be used for worship and which sections were reserved for social services.

"You run into the nightmarish problem of having the government monitor what goes on inside churches and sanctuaries," said Frank. "Are we going to start sending in the inspector general to charge people with committing a bar mitzvah?"
Jul 24, 2002
I tell you what it is, Bush is doing this in return for the Christian support he gets.
I don't know if you guys knew this, but Republicans get tremendous support from American Christians.
So Bush is just doing this to keep his supporters happy.

Of coarse I am against this because Bush is simply pimpin the blind Christian community....

There's strings attatched to this shit.
Bush is only doing this cuz he stands to benefit from this shit.
Hmmm.... Can you imagine "them" controlling even religious groups? They have always controlled the masses, but now "they've" found a way to control religious groups. Whom are "their" largest opposition....
Damn, folks are getting played into digging their own graves....
Jul 30, 2002
well as long as he is not only building one certain religions worship sites then i dont care, we all bleed red and if every1 had some sort of light in their eyes then i bet this place would be better. but we all know its gonna back fire and get fucked up! and more racial shit is gonna happen
May 8, 2002
miggidy said:
I tell you what it is, Bush is doing this in return for the Christian support he gets.
I don't know if you guys knew this, but Republicans get tremendous support from American Christians.
So Bush is just doing this to keep his supporters happy.
true alote of conservatives are religious christians
May 8, 2002
Furio said:
well as long as he is not only building one certain religions worship sites then i dont care
as far as i have heard under the faith based initiative funds will be provided to all religeous organizations that perform some sort of detox/rehab for individuals who wish to go to a religeous rehab center than a non-religeous.

i have never heard anything about building any churches
Apr 25, 2002
what are they trying to "conserve"? the supporters that vote for em? the cash in thier pocket? their power of the "free" world....? what happened to the good old rebulicans liek TR? dude set off so muny nature and woodland preserves, hes a pimp for that one. he realized we must be careful with our resources
Jul 6, 2002
miggidy said:
I tell you what it is, Bush is doing this in return for the Christian support he gets.
I wonder how much he will donate toward the World Church of the Creator?

miggidy said:
I don't know if you guys knew this, but Republicans get tremendous support from American Christians.
So Bush is just doing this to keep his supporters happy.
I think I need to start my own cult so I can become elgible for those dividends too! I'd do like others on this board if he did...hell, I'd might even jump infront of the president if Snubnoze tried to throw a round at him..I'd catch it inbetween my teeth like Leroy Jones did on the Last Dragon...

miggidy said:
Of coarse I am against this because Bush is simply pimpin the blind Christian community....

*Foetwin gets in his last five minutes of his sermon tone*



miggidy said:
There's strings attatched to this shit.
Bush is only doing this cuz he stands to benefit from this shit.
Hmmm.... Can you imagine "them" controlling even religious groups? They have always controlled the masses, but now "they've" found a way to control religious groups. Whom are "their" largest opposition....
Damn, folks are getting played into digging their own graves....
First off those 5031c surches or whatever :H: been speakin on, they will be the first ones to receive monies...This is not a brand new concpet, my cousin who has beena deacon at the houseo f worsip that I attend tells me that there are some churches in this town that have been receiving money from the government for years now....He says that the preacher basically had to preach about what the gov wants (mostly prosperity)..but yeah, one the gov starts funding churches people will be following leaders who will be having all thier strings pulled by the Author fo ALL Lies Himself!


Jul 24, 2002
Mcleanhatch said:

as far as i have heard under the faith based initiative funds will be provided to all religeous organizations that perform some sort of detox/rehab for individuals who wish to go to a religeous rehab center than a non-religeous.

i have never heard anything about building any churches
You know that religious based rehab has far more success then regular rehab right?
The statistics prove it, so i think Bush is tryin to cash in on this.
I mean, I can see "their" approach at the drug abuse problems of the nation, but....

The Mafia always has strings attatched to anything they give you, and Uncle Sam is the biggest mafia....
May 8, 2002
miggidy said:
You know that religious based rehab has far more success then regular rehab right? The statistics prove it,
yes that is the same thing that i had heard. and quite frankly i think that it is a good idea, it can save the lives of many lost souls who are hooked on drugs and replace the drugs with GOD which is a good idea