There is no difference between Democrats and Republicans. They are both evil, just ask Bush & Kerry who are part of the Illuminati cult known as the Skull & Bones. Genealogists have also found that Bush and Kerry (Kohn) are very distant cousins. They traced their roots back to Europe, the birthplace of the Freemasons. Your vote does not count. The man with the most money has won EVERY election in the history of AmeriKKKa.
Visit the Green Party website and you will see that Dems and Reps take the exact same stance on all of the major issues. Kerry wants to continue the war in Iraq when there was no reason to invade in the first place. Don't vote for murderers and criminals.
Visit the Green Party website and you will see that Dems and Reps take the exact same stance on all of the major issues. Kerry wants to continue the war in Iraq when there was no reason to invade in the first place. Don't vote for murderers and criminals.