Bush has entered the evolution/creationism debate

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May 13, 2002
Bush has entered the evolution/creationism debate

How do you suppose a creationist class would be taught?

“God created life!

Class dismissed!”

President George W. Bush waded into the debate over evolution and "intelligent design" Monday, saying schools should teach both theories on the creation and complexity of life.
The problem with the intellectual pygmy’s statement is that one is a theory while the other is a Scientific Theory. There is a huge difference.

A scientific theory or law represents a hypothesis, or a group of related hypotheses, which has been confirmed through repeated experimental tests. Theories in physics are often formulated in terms of a few concepts and equations, which are identified with "laws of nature," suggesting their universal applicability. Accepted scientific theories and laws become part of our understanding of the universe and the basis for exploring less well-understood areas of knowledge. Theories are not easily discarded; new discoveries are first assumed to fit into the existing theoretical framework. It is only when, after repeated experimental tests, the new phenomenon cannot be accommodated that scientists seriously question the theory and attempt to modify it. The validity that we attach to scientific theories as representing realities of the physical world is to be contrasted with the facile invalidation implied by the expression, "It's only a theory." For example, it is unlikely that a person will step off a tall building on the assumption that they will not fall, because "Gravity is only a theory." source

Intelligent Design on the other hand cannot be tested, has absolutely no evidence, no supporting evidence…nothing.

Bush compared the current debate to earlier disputes over "creationism," a related view that adheres more closely to Biblical explanations. As Governor of Texas, Bush said students should be exposed to both creationism and evolution.


"I think that part of education is to expose people to different schools of thought," Bush said. "You're asking me whether or not people ought to be exposed to different ideas. The answer is yes."
Pfff. I suppose we should expose all religions to students while in school: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Animism, Judaism, Taoism, Vodun, Wicca, Shinto, Sikhism, Jainism, Confucianism, Witchcraft, Satanism, Druidism, Paganism, Scientology, Universalism, Zoroastrianism, Lukumi, Macumba, Gnosticism, Mowayhhidoon, Deism, etc. "No time for Math or English, you must be exposed to beliefs that hold absolutely no weight! Today we are going to lean about Raelians!"

The Kansas Board of Education is considering changes to encourage the teaching of intelligent design in Kansas schools, and Christian conservatives are pushing for similar changes in other school districts across the country.
Thank you Kansas Board of Education for dumbing down Amerika.

The National Academy of Sciences and the American Association for the Advancement of Science have both concluded that there is no scientific basis for intelligent design and oppose its inclusion in school science classes.

"The claim that equity demands balanced treatment of evolutionary theory and special creation in science classrooms reflects a misunderstanding of what science is and how it is conducted," the academy said in a 1999 assessment.

"Creationism, intelligent design and other claims of supernatural intervention in the origin of life or of species are not science because they are not testable by the methods of science," the academy said.
Jan 2, 2003
Teach science since it is based on testing and observation...(The Scientific Method)

not a simple "theory" or "beleif"

people r scared of life and death....Intelligent design makes them feel more comfortable and presents a false sense of "reason" for us being here and makes us feel, i guess "special"

compared to evolution where humans seem slightly less complex and wouldnt present a definate answer to y we live, what were supposed to do etc...people just dont wanna grasp the concept we could have came from apes or sum shit...fuckin scardy cats...haha...

ill be abck later....
Sep 28, 2004
Teaching creationism, in my mind, would only be well suited if the books were illustrated and written in sing-song rhymes like a Dr. Suess book. That way, the illogical, fantastical "theories" would be express in their best medium. And also, it has to include a video that is hosted by biblical sock puppets.( These videos have to have *wacky!* music and the characters need to talk very slowly, using small words.) Then it would make sense for what it was, and be more distinguishable from the actual scientific theories.
Apr 25, 2002
Sience should be in Science Class

Theology should be in Theology Class

If your public school board wants to finance a theology class in your high school then they can talk about creationism in there. Otherwise it has no place in a public school and surely not in a Science class.
Oct 14, 2004
Yeah this is exactly what I thought with 2-0 Sixx as a moderator. People only say science is the cause of life because it doesnt give them someone to answer to when God comes calling. In fact if you dont believe in God something is wrong with you. There is a God, you cant explain anything without him. Now diss me all you want Iam just telling you the truth. Evolution is a lie in certain circumstances, I didnt evolve from apes thats a lie. God created me as my own unique person. The religion disrespect is getting old 2-0 so cutt it, your starting to be obnioxious.

@Crow- One day we all will find out if we were right or wrong. Please keep the disrespect of God to yourself.

@Agent- Your afriad of where you will go next.

@Cold Blooded- I agree with you to a point. I do agree they both should go seperate. But I think all schools should have that available to the children.
May 13, 2002
Rob S4 said:
Yeah this is exactly what I thought with 2-0 Sixx as a moderator.
This thread has absolutely nothing to do with me being moderator. This is news, from today, which I posted to inform and to offer MY opinions on. How is this any different from when I was not a mod?

In fact if you dont believe in God something is wrong with you.
That's your opinion and you're entitled to it.

There is a God, you cant explain anything without him.
Yes, actually I can.

Evolution is a lie in certain circumstances, I didnt evolve from apes thats a lie.
We went over this before in the open forum, you seem to have a very short memory. As I stated before no one is saying you evolved from an ape, we are saying that apes/man are related, have common ancestors. You then admitted that you are ignorant on evolution, and do not know all the answers, if any, remember? Now it seems you know all the answers again. Hmm

If you would care to elaborate on why evolution is a lie, by all means please do so.

The religion disrespect is getting old 2-0 so cutt it, your starting to be obnioxious.
In my post, can you please point out where I disrespected god or any religion?

My advice is instead of telling people they are wrong; TELL US WHY you think they’re wrong.

I know you don’t agree with me being mod, but honestly comrade I’m not doing anything different that I didn’t before. I’m not abusing any mod privileges or anything like that. My only purpose here is to try and keep a little order.
Apr 25, 2002
Rob S4 said:
@Cold Blooded- I agree with you to a point. I do agree they both should go seperate. But I think all schools should have that available to the children.

If you want theology in schools you have to be prepaired for it to be discussed objectively along with all the others. Most people aren't they just want the christian views and that's it.

You really want your lilly white ango-christian kids objectively learning about Islam? "oh god no! might turn into johnny walker 2"

So it has no place in public schools because people won't go for it being done the way it should.

How bout a civics class before theology! Might help if people understood how the country they live in works instead of some place after death they don't know.

28g w/o the bag

politically incorrect
Jan 18, 2003
metro's jurisdiction
ColdBlooded said:
Sience should be in Science Class

Theology should be in Theology Class

If your public school board wants to finance a theology class in your high school then they can talk about creationism in there. Otherwise it has no place in a public school and surely not in a Science class.
i agree, theres no "science" involved with creationism.

this is the type of thing that makes christianity look stupid to people who don't know anything about christianity...
Jun 14, 2005
Rob S4 said:
. In fact if you dont believe in God something is wrong with you. There is a God, you cant explain anything without him. Now diss me all you want

oh really. you really believe if their is a god it's a man. no doubt god would either be asexual or female.

dont forget the baha'i faith 2-0-sixx. add that to the list.
Sep 28, 2004
Rob S4 said:
@Crow- One day we all will find out if we were right or wrong. Please keep the disrespect of God to yourself.
I didn't plan on disrespecting god as much as I was aiming to disrespect the whole plan of teaching kids a certain religion's view point on creation as opposed to the universal, scientific theory. As many people have pointed out on here, if they're going to teach ONE religion's view on that subject, they need to provide ALL religion's views on that point. And it couldn't be in a science class. Personally, I'd love to take a class on religions in general, and see the different views people have. But that would be a chosen class for maybe after work.. not a regular class at a school. If I want my child to have a religious view of their world, I'll raise them that way or send them to a religious school. Excellent points all around.

You must understand, that I am not trying to insult your god, or your religion. I merely think the idea of teaching a non-scientific theory is silly. In the end, I probably won't know to be disappointed. You're talking to someone who spent a good deal of her life as either Agnostic, Atheist, Wiccan and then Atheist again. I think I believed in god and jesus for about two years when I was 9 or 10. It never caught, despite my very religious parents raising me in the church. I saw holes and pried at them until I was sure that I had been missing something all along.

Please keep in mind that I would have said the same thing about another religion's creation theory being taught in a science class as well. They just do not belong there. If parents feel they must teach their children their own way, they can give notes to the school and have their child "sit out" of the evolution talks. I've seen it done. Just like they had notes to get their kids out of sex ed.
Oct 14, 2004
@2-0 Sixx its cool, I can see your points and I know you dont believe in God at all. Its all good though, sometimes I think you are attacking him. I could care less if you attack Bush. Anyhow its all cool, your entitled to your own opinion and as such I respect your right to say it. I just do not agree with it. As far as Evolution is concerned, I do think people and animals adapt to their space around them. I just do not think that people have ties to apes, sharing the same line is something that just does not make sense. Its all cool though.

@Coldblooded- I dont care what my children do as long as they stay out of the court system. I spent to much time away from my family sitting in prison. So as long as they are in tune with that its cool. Do I want my children to have the same values and morals as I? Of course I do, I think thats instilled in all parents to some extent to pass them on. This is not always the case (Father is not there or mother just does not care) then you are passing negative ideas unto your children. I learned about Islam in a history class and it was not biased towards the religion at all. Knowledge is good. I know a great deal about a good chunk of religions, be it the Rastas, Wicca, or Voodoo of Haiti. I try and keep myself informed because there is other life outside the U.S. Peace.

@Crow its all good I took what you were saying wrong and that is my bad so Its all good.
Apr 6, 2004
Remember even the the 1st thread said the big bang idea was a theory, N
if itz a true theory, and I mean can it really be called a theory cuz can NE1 tell me when itz been tested or how to test this? There is no possible way for NE1 to test this belief, it'll be easier to figure out how dinos died.
It shouldn't be called a theory, just a hypothesis, itzan educated guess
Jan 2, 2003
Rob S4 said:
Yeah this is exactly what I thought with 2-0 Sixx as a moderator. People only say science is the cause of life because it doesnt give them someone to answer to when God comes calling. In fact if you dont believe in God something is wrong with you. There is a God, you cant explain anything without him. Now diss me all you want Iam just telling you the truth. Evolution is a lie in certain circumstances, I didnt evolve from apes thats a lie. God created me as my own unique person. The religion disrespect is getting old 2-0 so cutt it, your starting to be obnioxious.

@Crow- One day we all will find out if we were right or wrong. Please keep the disrespect of God to yourself.

@Agent- Your afriad of where you will go next.

LOL......homie you ahve no idea what ive been thru that forms many of my ideas...

im not scared "where i will go next"....im excited cuz the unnown is interesting...

"next" is for future thinkers...religoin emphasizes the future cuz supposedly it will always be better...but the present is fuckin beautiful....i dont get the whole "when u die u go to paradise".....blah blah blah....mothafucka, im livin and breathin now.....im in paradise...and u wouldnt really realize that cuz mayb uve never had ur life on the line b4...the only thing im afriad of is leaving a world thats corrupted with religious freaks and republicans(haha, same thing i guess)..

homie....u sound like the one with the fuckin issues....u sound sooooo fuckin brainwashed...its disgusting...religioin is all a fuckin cult....

PLUS the way people use "gods" name is FLAT OUT WRONG....a true religious person prays for health, safety, etc, etc.....not for the yankess to win the world series

or when people in sports say "god helped me"....but he didnt help the other person who was praying for him??

or when multiple people die and someone amazingly survives and the person says "god was on my side"....but he wasnt on the other peoples??

LOL....its all retarded....

if it werent for the Anglos the whole western hemispere wouldnt even believe in god....but they were forced too....a lot of them already ahd their own ideas of thier own GODS....

Fuck christainity.....thats on erraythang...


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
I believe in God. I really do. At least, I want to. I dont know if I take a specific religion into account. I was raised up Christian, but I see the good and bad in all religions. That's all for another time though.

My point is, being raised Christian, I have still learned way too much about evolution for me to say it doesn't exist. There is more factual evidence for evolution than damn near any theory in the world. It was the theory that started modern science in my opinion. At first, I had a hard time understanding/accepting it because it conflicted with my own Christian biases so much. But the fact of the matter is that I could sit here for a long time typing everything I know about evolution (although I don't think its necessary since most people agree with evolution to some extent or another).

I think the biggest problem with the evolutionary theory is that people don't exactly understand it. They think if you flap your arms enough, then your kids will eventually have wings. That's not true at all. Evolution is not the same as adaptation. If an animal adapts to a certain environment, he still doesn't have the genetic coding to pass that on to his kid.

Changes come across species through genetic mutations. If a genetic mutation decreases the animals chances of survival, then the animal will not procreate and the genes will not be passed. However, if an animals genetic mutation increases the chances of survival (an aardvark is born with an incredibly long snout and is therefore able to eat ants from an ant hill and has more food than the other aardvarks), then the animal will most likely find a partner, and have kids. The genetic mutation will be passed on to the kids, who will also have an increased chance of survival. A lot of this is due to the innate nature of females who selectively choose mates based on traits that increase the chance of survival for themselves or their kids. Survival of the fittest. And all of this has been witnessed in science, all of the evolution has been mapped from the amobea onward. Even Darwins research on the Galapagos Islands has shown evolution over the past 30 or 40 years (a drought happened on the Galapagos and birds were unable to procure food. One bird was born with an extra long beak and he was able to eat nuts that the other birds were unable to. Within a VERY SHORT period of time, nearly every living bird on the island had an enlarged beak (the short beaked birds died, while the long beaked bird had kids. This bird's kids lived and passed that trait on).

Evolution is very real. Humans share 99.9% of DNA with chimpanzees.

My religious take on evolution: I believe that God or some living force created, at the very least, the amobea. And then the world was on its own from there. But for life to be created is in itself a mystery. I don't believe science or religion can provide factual evidence for the origin of life.

Which is why I believe in both creation and evolution. Creation started life, and evolution furthered it, with the help of procreation and mutation.


Sicc OG
Mar 9, 2005
Rob S4 said:
Yeah this is exactly what I thought with 2-0 Sixx as a moderator. People only say science is the cause of life because it doesnt give them someone to answer to when God comes calling. In fact if you dont believe in God something is wrong with you. There is a God, you cant explain anything without him. Now diss me all you want Iam just telling you the truth. Evolution is a lie in certain circumstances, I didnt evolve from apes thats a lie. God created me as my own unique person. The religion disrespect is getting old 2-0 so cutt it, your starting to be obnioxious.
I especially like the sentence 'if you don't believe in God something is wrong with you', and 'I didn't evolve from apes, thats a lie. God created me as my own unique person' and ofcourse, my personal favorite 'There is a God, you can't explain anything without him' - LMFAO, you're a fucking joker!!! I'm an athiest, I don't believe in God, and I don't see why I should. What evidence is there that he/she/it exists? None whatsoever. Regarding how life started, the statement 'God created life' is not testable and should not be taken seriously for one moment. Creationism is complete bullshit and was designed by arrogant anthropocentric fuckers who all think that they were created as 'their own unique person'. You're an animal, just like a monkey or a mouse or a cockroach. The only difference is that they don't try to deceive themselves into believing that they're something more.

If you believe in God, fine, but don't sit there and talk shit like 'If you don't believe in God something is wrong with you'. Dumb-arse.