tha best trakks on Now Eat are definitely better than tha best trakks on Uthanizm...but Now Eat also had more trakks i didn't like than Uthanizm...tha halfbreed trakk, Loki's trakk (kuz of tha beat really), hollow tip & mic-c's trakk, phonk beta's trakk, lowdown's trakk (sometimes)...those are all trakks i had ta skip...and tha kourt dog, first degree, and young droop trakks are all trakks that kan be found on other cd's...but tha cd also has straight klassiks like "korpse kame 2 dinner," "fukk a struggle," "rilla man," "sins," "konkrete jungle," and "jealous bitches," and nothing on Uthanizm kan kompare 2 those trakks...i think Uthnizm is a much more solid album tho...much more konsistant