British tourists detained by homeland security for twitter remark, sent back

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May 13, 2002
British tourists repelled from U.S. after destructive Twitter jokes

Van Bryan's tweet went like this: "Free this week, for quick gossip/prep before I go and destroy America."

Many Brits will feel confident in explaining that the use of the word "destroy" here refers to, well, partying. Brits like to do this. They are good at it. They enjoy exporting it.

Sadly, the Department of Homeland Security agents in Los Angeles were not up to the vernacular. Even more sadly, they appear not to have aficionados of "Family Guy", as Van Bryan had also tweeted: "'3 weeks today, we're totally in LA pissing people off on Hollywood Blvd and diggin' Marilyn Monroe up!"

Perhaps if the authorities had chosen to google that line, they might have felt more at ease. Perhaps, though, they would have received some strange results from Google+.

It seems sure that they didn't get this American cultural reference as they reportedly checked Van Bryan's luggage for shovels.

This story does not end happily, as Van Bryan and his friend Emily Bunting were arrested and then sent back to Blighty.

Van Bryan, though living in the chilly English city of Coventry, is an Irish citizen. He told the Mail: "I kept saying to them they had got the wrong meaning from my tweet but they just told me "you've really fucked up with that tweet boy".

May 14, 2002
lol they really searched for shovels.

But it's sad that things have come to this though. It (lightweight) doesn't make me want to visit the USA, which is shit also because I think the country has a lot to offer to see and experience.
May 14, 2002
lol I guess so.

Starts with the origin, 'so you are from holland? I am going to search you for drugs, drop your pants'.
Then looking at the visas of 'commie&evil' countries and my arrival at any airport in the US I probably will be shipped right to guantanamo, no questions asked.

lol, I'll pass.