Brazilian man abducted & mutilated by aliens? (death photos included)

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Oct 30, 2002
copy/pasta from another site

If any of you have seen pictures of cattle mutilations these pictures will look very similar and much worse. In addition to the photos an actual autopsy report is available somewhere online, im working on getting it right now. Im gonna post some text below that incliudes some actual information from the autopsy.

The body appeared to be in good condition. Rigor mortis had not set in and it was estimated that the victim had been killed approximately 48 to 72 hours previously. There were no signs of animal predation or decay which might be expected. Strangely, there was no odor to the body. Bleeding from the wounds had been minimal. In fact, it was noted that there was a general lack of blood found in the body or on the ground around the body. Police photos show that the flesh and lips had been removed from around the mouth, as is common in cattle and other animal mutilations. An autopsy report stated that "the eyes and ears were also removed and the mouth cavity was emptied." Removal of these body parts, including the tongue as here, is common enough in animal mutilation cases.

The "surgery" appeared to have been done by someone familiar with surgical procedures. The lack of profuse bleeding suggested the use of a laser-like instrument producing heat, thus immediately cauterizing the edge of the wounds. The autopsy report states that, "The axillary regions on both sides showed soft spots where organs had been removed. Incisions were made on the face, internal thorax, abdomen, legs, arms, and chest. Shoulders and arms have perforations of 1 to 1.5 inches in diameter where tissue and muscles were extracted. The edges of the perforations were uniform and so was their size. The chest had shrunk due to the removal of internal organs." The autopsy report continues, "You also find the removal of the belly button leaving a 1.5 inch hole in the abdomen and a depressed abdominal cavity showing the removal of the intestines." The report also noted the victims scrotum had been removed, and that the anal orifice had been extracted with a large incision about 3 to 6 inches in diameter.

It is significant that the police and medical examiners were convinced the holes found in the head, arms, stomach, anus and legs were not produced by bullet wounds. What is most disturbing about the anal incision and the extraction of anal and digestive tract tissue is that it is a carbon copy of the surgery seen in so many UFO-related animal mutilation cases. While no evidence linking the Guarapiranga reservoir mutilation case with UFOs has been found, Brazilian ufologists and police have hinted that there may be at least a dozen or more cases similar to this one. In fact, Brazil has had past incidents where UFOs have reportedly attacked people, and possibly taking blood from them. The July 12, 1977 edition of the JORNAL DA BAHIA reported that, "A fantastic story of a flying object emitting a strong light and sucking blood from people, circulated from mouth to mouth among the population of the counties of Braganca, Vizeu and Augusto Correa in Para', where many people fear leaving their homes during the night so they won't get caught by the vampire-like light from the strange object which, according to information, already has caused the death of two men. No one knows how the story started, but the truth is that it reached Bele'm and grabbed headlines in the local newspapers."

Months later, on October 8, the newspaper O LIBERAL launched the first in a series of reports, about the Chupa-Chupa (suck-suck) phenomenon. "Sucking animal attacks men and women in the village of Vigia: A strange phenomenon has been occurring for several weeks in the village of Vigia, more exactly in the Vila Santo Antonio do Imbituba about 7 kilometers from highway PA-140, with the appearance of an object which focus a white light over people, immobilizing them for around an hour, and sucks the breasts of the women leaving them bleeding. The object, known by the locals as "Bicho Voador" (Flying Animal), or "Bicho Sugador" (Sucking Animal), has the shape of a rounded ship and attacks people in isolation. One of the victims, among many in the area, was Mrs. Rosita Ferreira, married, 46 years old, resident of Ramal do Triunfo, who a few days ago was sucked by the light on the left breast, and passed out. Increasingly it looked like she was dealing with a nightmare, feeling as if there were some claws trying to hold her. She was attacked around 3:30 in the morning. Another victim was the lady known as "Chiquita," who was also sucked by the strange object with her breast becoming bloody, but without leaving any marks."

One of the most disturbing parts of this case was revealed in the autopsy. When analyzing the brain they discovered major hemorrhaging had occurred leading them to believe the victim was awake and conscious while the mutilation occured. Here are the pictures below.

First are some pictures of cattle mutilation for comparison.

nd now for the actual crime scene photos.

As you can see, the anus has been cored out, scrotum removed, left inner ear, lips, tongue, left jawbone and left eyeball all gone. All of the major organs have been removed through a hole in the belly button (Hence the reason there is no bloating). The body is thought to have been dead for up to 3 days when found and riger mortis had not yet set in, which is very common in cattle mutilations as well.

For more information visit this page -

As soon as I can get the rest of the photos and the actual autopsy paperwork i'll be sure to post everything here. For now im remaining skeptical until I get more information but the similarities between the cattle and this person from Brazil was too much to pass up. This could be some sadistic killer who did this but the wounds, lack of blood, removal of orgons, and surgical precision seem to be too difficult for your average murderer. Let me know what you guys think


The Bakersman
Aug 14, 2006
You know how hard it is to try and read the last little bit of an article that is sandwiched between a broken asshole and a needled eyeball?

It's fucking impossible.