This muthafucka said Im from Newark?? Hahahah!! Dogg Im from South Hayward and I got real folks that can vouch that for me trick!! U need to get your info right bitch!! U dont know shit about me!! I have lived in Newark, Fremont, Union City, Oakland, Pittsburg, & Antioch, but Im from the Stack trick!! Lok at this fuckin mark tryin to say sum silly shit!! U big interent banger!! Uza square bitch!! Anyway backmto the topic!! U right tony206, they tryin to clown when they squad is str8 booboo!! Get over .500 before u start clownin cause u only makin yourself look stupid!! And u must be new here, cause u can never piss me off!! I do the pissin off in here mane!! If u dont know u better ask sumbody!! The guru has spoken!! Dallas bitch!! GOT EM!!!