Anybody who is a good contact hitter can become a much more better baseball player.Your line-drives in the gap become homeruns,your deep pop-ups become short homeruns,and the fastball you used to be .003 seconds behind becomes a line drive basehit.My brother used steroids his junior year in high school.He was always a pretty good player who had quick wrists,and had a knack for hitting,but when he got on steroids he hit bombs out of major league sized parks,and only weighed about 160lbs.
All in all,steroids make you a much,much,much better player,I don't buy all that..."You still have to swing and hit it".NO SHIT!THAT'S HOW YOU DUMBFUCKS GOT IN THE MAJORS,BUT NOW WHEN YOU HIT IT,IT GOES 70ft FURTHER.
I been playin for 19 years myself,and actually considered taking them in high school,but I seen my brothers personality change dramaticaly,along with his skin