Bobby Fischer dead at 64

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May 13, 2002

The controversial former world chess champion, Bobby Fischer, has died in Iceland at the age of 64.

The US-born player, who became famous for beating Cold War Soviet rival Boris Spassky in 1972, died of an unspecified illness, his spokesman said.

He was granted Icelandic citizenship in 2005 as a way to avoid being deported to the US.

Mr Fischer was wanted for breaking international sanctions by playing a match in the former Yugoslavia in 1992.

He also had alienated many in his homeland by broadcasting anti-Semitic diatribes and expressing support for the 11 September 2001 attacks in New York.

The reclusive player - who had renounced his US citizenship - had lived undetected in Japan for a number of years before moving to Iceland.


Mr Fischer died in Iceland on Thursday, his spokesman Gardar Sverrisson said.

The nature of the illness was unknown but Mr Fischer had been reportedly seriously ill for some time.

Spassky said he was "very sorry" to hear of Mr Fischer's death, the Associated Press reported.

Russia's Garry Kasparov, a former world champion, said that Mr Fischer's ascent through the chess world in the 1960s was "a revolutionary breakthrough" for the game.

'Match of the century'

Mr Fischer was born in Chicago in 1943, but was brought up in New York's Brooklyn.

He became a US chess champion at 14 and then the youngest grandmaster a year later.

He achieved world fame after playing a world championship match in Iceland in 1972, beating title-holder Spassky.

The so-called chess "match of the century" came to be seen as a proxy for the Cold War, as the Soviets had held the world title since World War II.

Mr Fischer, the individual who had triumphed over the might of the Communist system, became an American hero.

The 1972 match made chess fashionable, even sexy, some experts say.

He lost the world chess crown in 1975 after refusing to play against his Soviet rival Anatoly Karpov.

US critic

The eccentric US genius then simply disappeared, declining all lucrative sponsorship deals.

He resurfaced briefly in 1992, to play a re-match with Spassky in Yugoslavia in defiance of international sanctions.

Mr Fischer then vanished again, though it later became clear he had been living for a number of years in Japan.

He hit world headlines again after the 11 September 2001 attacks in the US.

In an interview to a radio station in the Philippines, he described the attacks as the "wonderful news".

In another interview Mr Fischer accused the media of trying to "poison the public against me".

"They constantly use the words eccentric, eccentric, eccentric, weird. I am boring. I am boring!" he said.

He had also been strongly criticised for making anti-Semitic comments.

Mr Fischer was granted Icelandic citizenship in March 2005, after spending several months in detention in Japan.
May 13, 2002
Off topic:

I stumbled across this site about the highest recorded IQ's (current) and found a few interesting things:

-Physicist / Engineer Kim Ung-yong has a verified IQ of 210 (he began to learn differential calculus at the age of three. He was able to read and write in Japanese, Korean, German, and English by his fourth birthday).

-Bouncer Christopher Michael Langan has a verified IQ of 195 (he’s spent 20 years being a bouncer at a bar).

# Engineer Philip Emeagwali is alleged to have an IQ of 190
# World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov is alleged to have an IQ of 190
# Author Marilyn Vos Savant has a verified IQ of 186
# Actor James Woods is alleged to have an IQ of 180
# Politician John H. Sununu is alleged to have an IQ of 180
# Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is alleged to have an IQ of 180
# Mathematician Andrew Wiles is alleged to have an IQ of 170
# World Chess Champion Judith Polgar is alleged to have an IQ of 170
# Chess Grandmaster Robert Byrne is alleged to have an IQ of 170
# World Chess Champion Bobby Fischer is alleged to have an IQ of 167
# Mathematician / Physicist Stephen W. Hawking is alleged to have an IQ of over 160
# Microsoft Founder Paul Allen is alleged to have an IQ of over 160
# Actress Sharon Stone is alleged to have an IQ of 154

wtf at James Woods and Sharon Stone???
Nov 24, 2003
-Physicist / Engineer Kim Ung-yong has a verified IQ of 210 (he began to learn differential calculus at the age of three. He was able to read and write in Japanese, Korean, German, and English by his fourth birthday)
LOL. Holy Fuck! DIfferential Calculus at age 3??? Damn.

Its gotta be depressing to be that smart.
May 13, 2002
so how the fuck did the bouncer find out he had such a high iq?
It appears he is a self educated man with a pretty depressing background:

Langan was born in San Francisco and spent most of his early life in Montana. His mother was the daughter of a wealthy shipping executive but was cut off from her family; his father died or disappeared before he was born.[5] He began talking at six months, taught himself to read before he was four, and was repeatedly skipped ahead in school.[6] But he grew up in poverty and says he was beaten by his stepfather from when he was almost six to when he was about fourteen.[7] By then Langan had begun weight training, and forcibly ended the abuse, throwing his stepfather out of the house and telling him never to return.[8]

Langan says he spent the last years of high school mostly in independent study, teaching himself "advanced math, physics, philosophy, Latin and Greek, all that".[9] After earning a perfect score on the SAT[7] he tried college (Reed College and later Montana State University), but faced with finance and transportation problems, and believing that he "could literally teach [his professors] more than they could teach [him]", dropped out.[9]

He took a string of labor-intensive jobs, and by his mid-40s had been a construction worker, cowboy, forest service firefighter, farmhand, and for over twenty years, a bouncer on Long Island. He says he developed a "double-life strategy", on one side a regular guy, doing his job and exchanging pleasantries, and on the other side coming home to perform equations in his head, working in isolation on his Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe.[9]

Wider attention came in 1999, when Esquire magazine published a profile of Langan and other members of the high-IQ community.[9] Billing Langan as "the smartest man in America", the article's account of the weight-lifting bouncer and his CTMU "Theory of Everything" sparked a flurry of media interest. Board-certified neuropsychologist Dr. Robert Novelly tested Langan's IQ for 20/20, which reported that Langan broke the ceiling of the test, scoring "off the charts". Novelly was said to be astounded, saying: "Chris is the highest individual that I have ever measured in 25 years of doing this."[7]​


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
Off topic:

I stumbled across this site about the highest recorded IQ's (current) and found a few interesting things:

-Physicist / Engineer Kim Ung-yong has a verified IQ of 210 (he began to learn differential calculus at the age of three. He was able to read and write in Japanese, Korean, German, and English by his fourth birthday).
These are really impressive things, but:

These lists contain only the better known people with high IQ, while in reality most of the greatest scientists were not child prodigies, it's actually the opposite (especially in math and physics), and most people with high IQ never really do any work that requires high IQ

Typically child prodigies burn out by the time they have to do some serious work and actually contribute to science, this Korean dude is a perfect example. Child prodigy, amazing abilities, and he ends up in civil engineering (no disrespect to CE, but the big questions will not be answered by it). It's a gift and a curse in the same time. There are exceptions, but they are few and rare, and often support the general rule.

Compare these two group of bios and try to find the differences:

1. The child prodigies:

2. The people who started late but have become seminal figures in science

Witten was a history major, Artin a chemist and they switched in their 20s!

The child prodigies ended up working on small problems that nevertheless made them famous (because they solved a lot of them) but never really advanced their fields in any fundamental way, contrary to the guys who took their time


Sicc OG
Dec 19, 2002
civil engineering (no disrespect to CE, but the big questions will not be answered by it).
Thats just messed up. J/K I get what your saying. I heard that Einstein had an IQ of only like 160. I would like to take an actual IQ test out of interest sometime, you really can't trust the online ones but one of them has to be decent.