Blockstarz...The Movement

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Hilltop Hound

CEO of Bow Wow Records
Apr 26, 2002
The movement has begun! Already this year we have sprinkled listeners with Mr. D.O.G.'s Backstreets & Boulevards as well as the Have Not's sampler. Sponsored such events as the Virgo party, and the 2nd Annual Chocolate Party. This summer we also brought you Blockstarz 1st annual BBQ which fed over 700+ for free (and we aint just talking about dogs & burgers). Now get ready for the first official mixtape, Mr. D.O.G. presents NW Classicz! On top of that, we will be releasing Have Not's album in February and the sampler for T-Lay aka Leezy-Soprano.
We also have the hottest singer in the state of Washington and he is only 18. When most will hear him they will wonder why they haven't heard him sooner.
You can catch some of our latest music on internet sites such as the Earthquake mixshow and HardcoreJamz.
We will also have some events popping off throughout the nation so stay tuned.
Gangstas gang bang, pimps pimp, hustlers hustle, and rappers spit,
BLOCKSTARZ do it all!