Bionic eye implant to restore sight of blind people

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May 13, 2002
'Bionic' eye implants look ahead
By Jonathan Fildes
Science and technology reporter, BBC News, San Francisco

A bionic eye implant that could help restore the sight of millions of blind people could be available to patients within two years.

A receiver under the eye surface passes the signals back to the chip

US researchers have been given the go-ahead to implant the prototype device in 50 to 75 patients.

The Argus II system uses a spectacle-mounted camera to feed visual information to electrodes in the eye.

Patients who tested less-advanced versions of the retinal implant were able to see light, shapes and movement.

"What we are trying to do is take real-time images from a camera and convert them into tiny electrical pulses that would jump-start the otherwise blind eye and allow patients to see," said Professor Mark Humayun from the University of California.


1: Camera on glasses views image
2: Information is sent to hand-held device
3: Processed information is sent to glasses and wirelessly transmitted to receiver under surface of eye
4: Receiver sends information to electrodes in retinal implant
5: Electrodes stimulate retina to send information to brain

Retinal implants are able to partially restore the vision of people with particular forms of blindness caused by diseases such as macular degeneration or retinitis pigmentosa.

About 1.5 million people worldwide have retinitis pigmentosa, and one in 10 people over the age of 55 have age-related macular degeneration.

Both diseases cause the retinal cells which process light at the back of the eye to gradually die.

The new devices work by implanting an array of tiny electrodes into the back of the retina.

A camera is used to capture pictures, and a processing unit, about the size of a small handheld computer and worn on a belt, converts the visual information into electrical signals.

These are then sent back to the glasses and wirelessly on to a receiver just under the surface of the front of the eye, which in turn feeds them to the electrodes at the rear.

The whole process happens in real time.

Growing dots

First-generation, low-resolution devices have already been fitted to six patients.

"The longest device has been in for five years," said Professor Humayun.

"It's amazing, even with 16 pixels, or electrodes, how much our first six subjects have been able to do."

Terry Byland, 58, from California was fitted with an implant in 2004 after going blind with retinitis pigmentosa in 1993.

"At the beginning, it was like seeing assembled dots - now it's much more than that," he said.

"When I am walking along the street I can avoid low-hanging branches - I can see the edges of the branches."

Mr Byland is also able to make out other shapes.

"I can't recognise faces, but I can see them like a dark shadow," he said.

Brain change

The new implant has a higher resolution than the earlier devices, with 60 electrodes.

It is also a lot smaller, about one square millimetre, which reduces the amount of surgery that needs to be done to implant the device.

The technology has now been given the go-ahead by the US Food and Drug Administration to be used in an exploratory patient trial.

This will take place at five centres across America over two years, with 50-75 patients aged over 50.

If successful, the device could be commercialised soon after, costing around $30,000 (£15,000). Other devices could then be developed with higher resolution or a wider field of view, said Professor Humayun.

Future work includes studying the effects the implants have on the brain.

"We are actually studying what happens to the visual cortex over time," said Professor Humayun.

The research was presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual meeting in San Francisco, US.
Aug 26, 2002

as i have said before my father went blind in his right eye from diabetes 5 years ago and now his left eye has about 2 months left in it (the doctors say)....

He has told me so many times "son you never want to go blind, its the worst feeling in the world". coming from a man that has lost half of his left leg, a toe amputated, and kidney failure (dialosis), I thought that meant alot.

I find it disturbing that a Christian like Cockton would sit here and laugh at something like this. Cockton, if you were in front me right now I would beat your fucking ass and piss on your body when I was done pulling out your eyes. Go pray instead of laughing at scienece in its truest form. I can not wait to tell my dad about this article 2-0.....honestly bro I appreciate it.

I can only hope my dad lives 2 more years. my sister just had another baby boy (Feb 13th) and my father can not see him. Laugh at that Cockton...

you seem to think this shit is a joke right?

Mar 12, 2005
No, I don't take this as a joke, I take it seriously. Quit crying already, if I posted an article where a lady said she saw an angel and she ended up being healed, you'd laugh. You still would laugh even though it was my mother who ended up seeing that angel and was healed. I have the right to laugh at this shit, like you have the right to laugh at religion. You're going to get mad because I'm laughing at science or what you believe is a cure for your father's blindness? You're lame homie. Shit is funny though.
May 13, 2002
Eh, don't mind Cockton JMAC, he doesn't know any better.

Best of luck to your father, I hope technology like this advances quickly and your fathers eyesight will be fully restored.

We are coming a long way and I think within 10-20 years, things like blindness, loss of limbs (we already have humans with robotic arms that are controlled by thought), etc. will be problems of the past.


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
The Red Sin said:
No, I don't take this as a joke, I take it seriously. Quit crying already, if I posted an article where a lady said she saw an angel and she ended up being healed, you'd laugh. You still would laugh even though it was my mother who ended up seeing that angel and was healed. I have the right to laugh at this shit, like you have the right to laugh at religion. You're going to get mad because I'm laughing at science or what you believe is a cure for your father's blindness? You're lame homie. Shit is funny though.
I am sure the reason she was healed was because she "saw the angel", I am sure....

I have yet to hear about an amputated limbs growing and blind people seeing because they "saw angels"....

I see people with working implants thoug and I see implants getting better and better. I also see how implants will become a thing of the past in 50 years when we develop sophisticated enough stem cell therapies, something christian idiots are so passionately opposed to....
Aug 26, 2002
The Red Sin said:
No, I don't take this as a joke, I take it seriously. Quit crying already, if I posted an article where a lady said she saw an angel and she ended up being healed, you'd laugh. You still would laugh even though it was my mother who ended up seeing that angel and was healed. I have the right to laugh at this shit, like you have the right to laugh at religion. You're going to get mad because I'm laughing at science or what you believe is a cure for your father's blindness? You're lame homie. Shit is funny though.

You have no right to laugh at shit like this for the simple fact your simple brain can not come to the conclusion that this world is advancing and just like 2-0 said things like blindness and prostetic (sp?) arm, legsm hearts, etc....will be the future.

yet you seem to think YAASHUEEAOUAA is coming. You are fucking brainwashed with your mentality and everyone knows it on here accept you. hahahaha

I laugh at you....not with you or for you....but at you!

sound familiar?

You are disgrace to the human race.....see you in Hell bitch.

oh and let me add. my father is a christian just like you are. Could it be that "god" has answered his prayers with technology like this? could it Cockton?

oh it couldnt have been God because science made it? right?

your a fucking joke! go kill yourself you and geezus can talk it out.

Aug 26, 2002
I'm well aware of this, just because I didn't post anything positive about it's forthcoming, you're going to get mad? You do the same shit, when I post threads, asking a question, digressing in the subject matter at hand, quit crying foo.
You are repetitive and bring little to nothing tothis board. You constantly contradict yourself in thread after thread. Again bitch, aint no one crying here.

Yet you blame God for the illnesses and suffering, when you don't even believe in God. I gave a laugh, you spoiled the thread, when I replied, I spoiled it even more, so quit crying.
I blame god? I dont even believe he exists so how could I blame him? I think illness and suffering are apart of life. I have said in the past that if there is a God how can he let people suffer and be ill for LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGg periods at a time? Makes no sense, especially when they are "his" people. Again, you laugh because you can not comprehend the science involved and the promise that things like this carries. Maybe when your moms is on her death bed and lets say she needs a new kidney, you will learn to appreciate the value of science and medical technology.

Oh but wait, maybe she will see another angel and she will be healed? I laugh because that is ridiculous but I stop laughing becuase now I know where you get your stupidity from. Its your mom.
Yet at the same time im glad your mom saw a angel on a piece of bread or whatever...because it obviously helped you to rethink your life. And I am sure your life is better now than before. THanks to God? nah....thanks to that piece of bread!!

the other day when I was taking a shit ...i looked on the floor and could swear the tile texture looked exactly like Abraham Lincoln. shit was tight as hell....I threw up the deuce and said thanks for everything. Needless to say, Ab didnt talk back but Im sure he heard me. :dead: :dead: :dead:

Nice, I thought there was no hell? I promise I will not reply in this thread anymore, but I'll live you the displeasure of replying to this question, while I never read this thread again.
wow your stupid ass just contradicted yourself again. 1 question? when I just counted about 5 in this paragraph alone! anyway...

No I dont believe in hell. I am mocking you, you fucking idiot. You promise to not reply? haha ok God, I believe you.

Since you blame God for your father's suffering, because I prayed and nothing happened as you claim, where do you think he's going?

you are the dumbest fucking mexican I know. Ill say this 1 ast time for you and please pay attention:


I realize that this is life and his disease is the consequence to his bad health. Not because of God or Satan or Yeashuqqa...
Get that through your fucking head.

Turn back to dust and nothing more? You say you'll meet me in hell, what hell? I thought you didn't believe in hell?
No, Im not sure how long it takes a body to totally decompose but he wont just turn into dust right away. Well, actually I take that back. He wants to be cremated and thrown into the Padre Island (Corpus Cristi) Ocean. He says that he will always remember when we were little and he took our family there. Pretty tight I think. Cockton, I am being sarcastic and you are playing right into me. there is no Hell, the sooner you realize that the better off you will be.

Well JL Take Care, and hope your dad gets better. When he passes, are you going to say why? why? why? Or will you just cope with the fact, that only memories of him will remain in the minds of his family, and that he becomes nothing more, then just a memory?
U crack me the fuck up boy. my dad has been dying everyday for the last 6 7 years. He had 7-bipass surgery. Yes thats correct 7. Do you know what that is?????????
His body has gotten medically beat up. I am not gonna say why? why? why? I tell my dad everyday I love him and we have the best relationship we have ever had right now. I have been preparing for his death since the day he found out he was going to have Heart Surgery. and now if he died I would be cool.

thats right he will be a memory. a great one.....

I am done with you boy. Grow up and kill yourself.


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
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damn stockton...I can understand if you dont belive in evolution and want to praise creationism...thats understandable.

But how is science advances that can help people a laughing matter? I have nothing agaisnt you, you seem like a cool dude but that was just plain dumb. I know your trying to prove a point but this shit is real. Blind people can eventually really see...there is proof. You need to chill brah...
Mar 12, 2005
SiKHMaDe said:
damn stockton...I can understand if you dont belive in evolution and want to praise creationism...thats understandable.

But how is science advances that can help people a laughing matter? I have nothing agaisnt you, you seem like a cool dude but that was just plain dumb. I know your trying to prove a point but this shit is real. Blind people can eventually really see...there is proof. You need to chill brah...
My Sikh brother, I'm not trying to prove a point. I just said haha, and that foo got all monkey crazy on me. I didn't even bother to read his last reply, but I guess it's a great thing, my aunt and mother are losing their vision, so it maybe a good thing.
Aug 26, 2002
The Red Sin said:
My Sikh brother, I'm not trying to prove a point. I just said haha, and that foo got all monkey crazy on me. I didn't even bother to read his last reply, but I guess it's a great thing, my aunt and mother are losing their vision, so it maybe a good thing.


you didnt read my reply?

yea, we believe that.