Bill O'Reilly Sex Scandal

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Jul 7, 2002
what do you think
Bill O'Reilly Sex Scandal

Last week, a Fox News Channel producer sued Bill O'Reilly for sexual harassment, alleging that the cable host pressured her into phone sex. What do you think?

Peggy Knight
Art Teacher
"Someone's coming at Bill O'Reilly with lurid public accusations of a heinous personal nature? Wow. Sometimes life can be so... fair."

Jonathan Warren
"He wasn't sexually harassing her. He was just looking out for her, like he's doing for all of us, all the time."

Shawn Jiminez
"No wonder it costs $3.99 a minute to call in to 'The Factor.'"

Curtis Fletcher
Systems Analyst
"Whether Andrea Mackris' claims are true or false, one thing is certain—that woman is never working for the vast right-wing conspiracy again."

Andy Vaughn
"This is just another example of the liberal media's bias against self-destructive, narcissistic, screaming sexist assholes."

Cindy Beck
Food Scientist
"Just once, I'd like to hear about a sex scandal with honest-to-God penetration."
Jul 10, 2002
Funny, this seems to be something O'reilly would have reported a couple of years ago when he was a TABLOID REPORTER for 'Inside Edition' this guys a freggin' piece of iShhhhhhh
Sep 9, 2003
The thing about o reilly that just fuckin kills me is his stance on rap music.

to me its fucked because fox news makes its damn liveing exploiting violance and sex and shit like that. you can see it in their reporting.

if it bleeds it leads thats the moto to not just fox news but all media outlets.

so how do you then turn around and attack rap for doin the same thing?

rap uses viloance and sex to sell their music the same way fox uses it to sell their news threw ad spots.

and i hate o reilly for always bitching about rap for doing the same shit he does.

rap promotes it ( if you belive o reilly) .... fox exsploites it. i see no diffrance.
Sep 9, 2003
theirs tapes...theyve all but amitted that...the question is will they ever see the light of day?

i also dont think its gonna be the end of his career. hes poupler amoung morons that crave sound bites and 7 min debates on issues that require 10 mins to outline.

and theirs millions of them.

i met a dude at work the other day that said NPR and PBS was bias and that o reilly was his only sourse of news.

side note. he also thought 9-11 and saddam were linked. and at least 5 times no fuckin lie started his sentances with "bill o reilly said"............................


and theirs millions of them
Sep 9, 2004
Spitz said:
theirs tapes...theyve all but amitted that...the question is will they ever see the light of day?

i also dont think its gonna be the end of his career. hes poupler amoung morons that crave sound bites and 7 min debates on issues that require 10 mins to outline.

and theirs millions of them.

i met a dude at work the other day that said NPR and PBS was bias and that o reilly was his only sourse of news.

side note. he also thought 9-11 and saddam were linked. and at least 5 times no fuckin lie started his sentances with "bill o reilly said"............................


and theirs millions of them
Real shit homie....That muthafucka will still be around he has a large base of idiots that back him