Biggest US bank failure ever

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May 13, 2002
Washington Mutual assets acquired by JPMorgan Chase

Another US banking giant fell Thursday, with the government seizure of Washington Mutual and the purchase of its operations and assets by JPMorgan Chase.

The collapse of the Seattle-based firm, the sixth largest US bank and the largest savings and loan company in the country, was the biggest bank failure in American history.

With $307 billion in assets, $188 billion in deposits and more than 2,200 branches, Washington Mutual’s failure by far eclipsed the previous record bank collapse, that of Continental Illinois in 1984. The latter had $40 billion in assets at the time of its demise.

Washington Mutual, founded in 1889, was the latest domino to fall in a series of bank failures that has eliminated such icons of American capitalism as Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch. In the space of less than three weeks, Lehman, Merrill and WaMu have disappeared and the government has taken control of the mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the huge insurance conglomerate American International Group.

Two months ago another large savings and loan bank, California-based IndyMac, was closed by federal regulators. That failure drained $8.9 billion from the $45.2 billion deposit insurance fund of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the federal agency that insures deposits up to $100,000 in regulated banks. Had the FDIC not been able to immediately sell off WaMu’s business operations and deposits to another institution, the Seattle bank’s failure would have consumed another $20 billion to $30 billion, nearly wiping out the FDIC’s insurance reserves.

WaMu was one of the biggest moneymakers during the speculative housing boom, reaping huge returns from the sale of high-risk, high interest home loans to buyers with shaky credit. The bank specialized in such inherently unstable and predatory loans as interest-only and adjustable rate mortgages.

It has taken increasingly large losses since the collapse of the housing and credit bubbles in the summer of 2007, writing off billions in defaulted mortgages and toxic securities backed by home loans. It reported its largest quarterly loss ever, $3.3 billion, in the second quarter of this year, and had announced it expected to lose $19 billion on its mortgage portfolio over the next two-and-a-half years.

The Wall Street Journal on Friday called the demise of WaMu “a new low point in the country’s financial crisis”—a systemic breakdown with no precedent since the Great Depression of the 1930s. There is every likelihood that more big bank failures are in the offing.

Share prices of two major banks that have suffered large losses plunged further on Friday. Wachovia stock declined 30 percent and National City stock fell 26 percent, its shares hitting an all-time low of $2. Wachovia, the fourth largest US bank based on assets, indicated that it was putting itself up for sale and holding talks with potential buyers.

The seize-up of credit markets that brought the US and world financial system to the brink of collapse last week has not lifted. On Friday, the cost of loans between banks continued to rise, reflecting a general erosion of confidence in the solvency of banks and other financial institutions.

“Things have frozen over again,” said Steve Van Order, chief fixed income strategist with Calvert Funds. “Banks are nervous about lending to each other, and the commercial paper market has come to a standstill.”

New data released by the government this week showed a further decline in home sales and prices and a sharp rise in new filings for unemployment insurance.

On September 7, the WaMu board fired CEO Kerry Killinger and hired Brooklyn banker Alan Fishman. After Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy protection on September 15, nervous WaMu customers began withdrawing their deposits in droves. Over the next ten days, they withdrew $16.7 billion in deposits, about 9 percent of the bank’s deposits as of June 30.

WaMu put itself up for sale and launched a desperate search for a buyer, but its stock continued to plummet and no bank or private equity firm made a bid. Late Thursday, the federal Office of Thrift Supervision declared the bank unsound, seized it and contracted the FDIC to sell off the bank’s operations and assets to JPMorgan Chase.

JPMorgan, which bought Bear Stearns last March at a fire-sale price after the Federal Reserve Board agreed to guarantee $29 billion in Bear Stearns debt, took over WaMu’s deposits, branches and assets at a nominal price of $1.9 billion. The sale makes JPMorgan, itself burdened with billions of dollars in toxic mortgage-backed securities and other bad debts, the largest US depository institution, with over $900 billion in customer deposits.

Washington Mutual shareholders and some bondholders will be wiped out by the transaction.

WaMu laid off 4,200 employees earlier in the year, and its failure and takeover by JPMorgan will likely result in more job cuts. As of June 30, the bank employed 43,000 people.

Already this year close to 150,000 employees at US banks have lost their jobs as a result of the collapse of the speculative housing and credit bubbles.

Ousted WaMu CEO Killinger received $14.4 million in compensation in 2007. His successor, Fishman, stands to receive a severance package of $18 million for three weeks on the job. source
Nov 20, 2005
people are still trying to take what money they have in wamu, and they froze accounts to prevent people from doing it.

Nov 24, 2003

Fuck that back door, underhanded bullshit.

JP Morgan got WAMU wrapped and on a platter courtesy of Uncle Sam.

Fucking seized the bank and gave it away for 1.9 Billion....GTFOH.
Nov 20, 2005
^ nah they probably wouldve been calling you 5 times a day for payments.

my coworker said he was one day late on his cc payment and he got 10 calls.

Nov 20, 2005
^ spend it all then return everything. however, her money is FDIC insured; so unless she has a whole lot more than what is covered, her money is safe.



Apr 25, 2002
^ spend it all then return everything. however, her money is FDIC insured; so unless she has a whole lot more than what is covered, her money is safe.

They say its supposed to be safe, and she has one other name on the account. Also, she has power of attorney for my grandma (strong victim awhile back) for another account (my grandmas name is on that) but I reall don't trust these fools.
Apr 25, 2002
i got wamu.. or should i say chase.. and ain't shit changed but the name(well.. not on the buildings.. yet).. on a sidenote.. c.e.o's be ballin' when shit fucks up... i bet they be prayin' for company downfalls.
Jun 13, 2002
how is the money insured?

will someone only get 100 G's if they had 3 bank accounts with an accumulative value of well over 100 G's? like if one bank account had 90, the second one had 85, and the third one had 95?

I have 75k @ WAMU (Chase) and 85k @ Wells Fargo and both amounts are insured separately under two separate banks.
May 13, 2002
US government brokers Citigroup takeover of Wachovia Bank
By Barry Grey
30 September 2008

The restructuring of the US financial system, concentrating financial resources and power in the hands of a few banking behemoths, took a further step Monday with the sale of the banking operations of Wachovia to Citigroup, the nation’s largest bank.

The demise of Charlotte, North Carolina-based Wachovia, the fourth largest US bank, came only four days after the biggest bank failure in American history, the collapse of Washington Mutual. The banking operations and deposits of Seattle-based WaMu, the largest savings and loan and sixth biggest bank in the US, were immediately sold off to JPMorgan Chase, in a deal brokered by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the federal agency that insures deposits at commercial banks.

Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke were both involved in an intensive effort over the weekend to find a buyer for Wachovia. President Bush was also consulted, according to press reports.

Wachovia is the first major US commercial bank to fall in the widening credit and banking crisis.

The FDIC announced early Monday that Citigroup would acquire Wachovia, which was teetering on the edge of collapse, at the fire-sale price of $1 a share, or about $2.2 billion. Citigroup demanded that the government assume some of Wachovia’s losses as a condition for its purchase of the firm’s banking operations, assets and liabilities.

Citigroup will absorb more than $42 billion of losses on Wachovia’s $312 billion pool of loans, the FDIC said in a statement. The regulator said it would take on losses beyond that amount in exchange for $12 billion in preferred stock and warrants.

This obligation could further erode the FDIC’s deposit insurance fund, which is used to guarantee customers’ deposits in commercial banks up to $100,000. The collapse of IndyMac last July drained $8.9 billion from the $45.2 billion fund, leaving it dangerously depleted under conditions of a growing banking crisis that threatens to claims dozens more institutions, big and small.

Citigroup will acquire Wachovia’s $400 billion in deposits as well as its network of some 3,300 branches and offices in 21 states.

Wachovia had invested heavily in high-risk adjustable rate mortgages, which have defaulted at an ever-rising rate since the implosion of the housing and credit bubbles last year. The bank holds about $122 billion of adjustable-rate home loans, making it the largest holder of such assets, ahead of the now-bankrupt Washington Mutual. Analysts at Fitch Ratings predict default rates on such loans packaged as securities may reach 45 percent.

The bank also faced losses on loans made to homebuilders and commercial real estate developers. Wachovia reported $9.7 billion of losses in the first half of 2008.

In June, the board ousted G. Kennedy Thompson, the bank’s longtime chief executive. He was succeeded in July by Robert K. Steel, a former top lieutenant of Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson at Goldman Sachs and then the Treasury Department.

Following the failure of Lehman Brothers two weeks ago, Wachovia customers began withdrawing their deposits in large numbers and the bank’s stock plummeted. It shares, which finished last week at $10 on the New York Stock Exchange, traded for 95 cents at 9 a.m. in early transactions on Monday. It sold for more than $48 in February 2007.

Following the purchase of Merrill Lynch two weeks ago by Bank of America, the rash of failures and buyouts of major US institutions has left fully one-third of all US bank deposits in the hands of three monoliths—Citigroup, Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase. These financial companies now control a vast network of branches and trillions of dollars in assets, putting them in a position to set fees and interest payments on everything from commercial loans to credit cards and home mortgages.

The further monopolization of the financial system will increase pressure on small and midsize banks, undermining their competitive position and forcing many of them to close or sell out to bigger rivals.

Since last March, the investment bank Bear Stearns has been sold off to JPMorgan Chase, in a rescue operation that included a $29 billion subsidy to JPMorgan by the Federal Reserve; IndyMac Bankcorp., a large California savings and loan, has failed; Lehman Brothers, another Wall Street titan, has filed for bankruptcy; and the government has taken over the mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the insurance conglomerate American International Group (AIG).

Even without the Bush administration’s proposed $700 billion-plus bailout of Wall Street, the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve have pumped hundreds of billions of dollars into the financial industry, in low-cost loans and taxpayer-financed subsidies, in an attempt to contain the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression. At the same time, the government has used the crisis to engineer a vast consolidation of the banking system.

The takeover of Wachovia by Citigroup will likely result in major job cuts, adding to the more than 150,000 jobs that have already been slashed at US banks and financial institutions since the onset of the credit crisis in August of 2007.

G. Kennedy Thompson, the CEO who was ousted last June, received a severance package of $1.45 million and accelerated vesting of $7.25 million in restricted stock.