There are black holes everywhere, that just means a large high-mass star exploded which is called a supernova, leaving behind a blackhole whitch sucks all the light energy and objects around it in, the force is so incredible, that its invisible... nothing too amazing about the reality of a blackhole.
Nobody knows how big the universe is, but there are theorys and facts on the expanding universe, Example: It is thought the sun was created by a nebula (like every star) and once the sun was formed, gas & particles flew out and expanded, whitch basically in laymens terms, formed the rest of the planets in the universe. The theory is that after the planets formed, they expand and move away from eachother until they stop, whitch is the future? Theres another theory called the "Oscillating theory" , but my point is, scientists did tests with the spectroscope and they found the 3 levels had all shifted into the red part of the spectrum (red shift), meaning galaxys are moving away from us & eachother, therefore the universe is expanding.
How big is the universe? who knows, lets just say, theres probably hundreds of other life forms out there that we don't know about of due to lack of technology.
Did you know before the invention of the telescope (1600's ..Galileo) , the real ancients people found and plotted a star map of over 800 stars from earth with just there basic knowledge they had back then, those 800 stars were accurate. You think our technology would be allot better, too bad the economy is sorta fucked over.