Sup lets get a list going of what the best selling ene rapers/groups are and who you feel should be best..
i would say
1 Darkroom Familia
2 Sir Dyno
3 Woodie
4 Speedy Loc
People Who i feel have talent to be ontop
1) Lil Coner (Mama Tried) His first solo "Mama Tried" was some hot shit, it was the first Cd i bought that year were i was feeling 100% of the tracks in a few years.
2) Big Oso Loc (114% Gangsta Mixtape) i think hes good and will get even better over time, the NE4 track wasint all that good. But the track he did on Northern Warriors was sick and the whole mixtape came tight as fuck....
3) Sleepy Santino (Norte 4Life) Alot of people on here were bitching that they didint like his Cd but i felt about half of the tracks were dope. Not the best Cd ive bought but way better then anything DRF has droped in the past few years.
4) 14 Caliber (Eyes of a Pit) CD was coo, i only feelt about 5 tracks. Most of the time i had a hard time understanding what they were saying cuz they really wereint pronancing the words just kinda spiting them real quick. This cd could have been way better that what we got but it was a good cd none the less...
5) last but not lest Woodie (NE5) now, this foo was my favriot raper a while back but he really hasint dropped shit in a while. His tacks on NE5 were ok but not as good as the tracks he did on You Influenced and Deamonz N Mu Sleep.... Im sure when he drops somthin new it will come harder then fuck but for now hes #5 on my list..........
O yea and IMO DRF has fallen off, and STL/connected inc is taking its place cuz they are serving up some hot shit..
Now i know you couldint read half the shit i just wrote but im sleepy, ima good to sleep now and when i wake up there better be responses GodDamit! :devious:
i would say
1 Darkroom Familia
2 Sir Dyno
3 Woodie
4 Speedy Loc
People Who i feel have talent to be ontop
1) Lil Coner (Mama Tried) His first solo "Mama Tried" was some hot shit, it was the first Cd i bought that year were i was feeling 100% of the tracks in a few years.
2) Big Oso Loc (114% Gangsta Mixtape) i think hes good and will get even better over time, the NE4 track wasint all that good. But the track he did on Northern Warriors was sick and the whole mixtape came tight as fuck....
3) Sleepy Santino (Norte 4Life) Alot of people on here were bitching that they didint like his Cd but i felt about half of the tracks were dope. Not the best Cd ive bought but way better then anything DRF has droped in the past few years.
4) 14 Caliber (Eyes of a Pit) CD was coo, i only feelt about 5 tracks. Most of the time i had a hard time understanding what they were saying cuz they really wereint pronancing the words just kinda spiting them real quick. This cd could have been way better that what we got but it was a good cd none the less...
5) last but not lest Woodie (NE5) now, this foo was my favriot raper a while back but he really hasint dropped shit in a while. His tacks on NE5 were ok but not as good as the tracks he did on You Influenced and Deamonz N Mu Sleep.... Im sure when he drops somthin new it will come harder then fuck but for now hes #5 on my list..........
O yea and IMO DRF has fallen off, and STL/connected inc is taking its place cuz they are serving up some hot shit..
Now i know you couldint read half the shit i just wrote but im sleepy, ima good to sleep now and when i wake up there better be responses GodDamit! :devious: