Bernard Hopkins with Randy Couture - age doesn't matter video

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Dec 9, 2005
Sick ass vid.

And of course its two Triple OG's in their respective sports showing love for the other sport. Two of the best ever, and two of the best today.

Bernard is a freak of nature though, he actually is better now, than he ever was. Doesn't throw as many punches, but the ones that do fly, count.
May 13, 2002
^^Yeah Bernard is a fucking machine. He's one of, if not the most disciplined, well conditioned and dedicated boxers of all time.

I hear he's a very strict vegetarian, doesn't eat any junk food...ever, runs 5 miles every day, wont have sex for 8 weeks before a fight, etc.
Jul 24, 2002
It's good that you meantion B-Hop's diet and excersice routine!
That's what this comes down to.

I always thought Randy was a freak of nature for how well he's been able to fight at his age. That all changed when Hopkins continued to fight without slowing down much. Then I realized that perhaps these guys aren't freaks at all. I looked at how young my pops looks, he always stayed in shape and looks a lot younger than he really is.
Then I experienced it myself, at age 30 I'm in the best shape of my life.
I'm quicker and better conditioned than any of the younger guys I train with.
And it all comes down to taking care of your body.

Both Randy and Bernard are extremely dedicated to their profession.
They take very good care of their bodies, by eating the proper foods, excersing regularly, and resting their bodies. They are living proof that you can slow the aging process by taking care of the body.
These guys are great role models, and they're going to inspire this and future generations of athletes. Not only are people living longer now days, but athletes are extending their careers as well. I think Couture and Hopkins are a new breed of athletes. And we'll start to see athletes retire older and older as time goes by. Hopefully the regular human population takes notice, they can benefit from this as well.

I'm glad I took notice 10 years ago!
I've been working out consistantly ever since and it makes you feel good when you look and feel younger than most people your age :)

Great video 2-0!
Jul 24, 2002
You gotta make the first step and get in there.
It's the most important step of them all.
The second would be to make sure you stick with it.
Have a goal of sticking to the new routine of 3 workouts a week, for two weeks straight with no interruptions.
The first couple of weeks are the hardest. After that make sure to continue working out for a full month. After accomplishing that, your workouts are going to feel like a piece of cake compared to the first few days.

You have to stick to your routine.
You miss a day and your body will feel it the next time you hit the gym.
Then you start feeling lazy and people usually quit after that.
You have to find something that drives you.
It all comes down to personal motivation and how bad you want it.
Fear of losing is what drives B-Hop.