Bernard Hopkins making headline news in Australia for comments about Obama

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May 13, 2002
Barack Obama will be assassinated within months if he wins the US presidential election, world champion boxer Bernard Hopkins fears.

Philadelphia-born Hopkins, known in the ring as The Executioner told the Independent on Sunday newspaper in Britain that he did not think the US was ready for an African-American president.

"If he gets the nomination they won't let him become president, but if they do, it will be for a short time, maybe less than a month or two," he said.

"His life would be in jeopardy.

"People may say it is time for change but when it comes down to it, I don't think America is ready for that type of heat."

Hopkins, who calls himself a "Republicrat", said he was backing Hillary Clinton.

"I do not think Obama would survive for too long if he won and Hillary seems the best person for the job," he said.

"For me, she has the experience - she has already been a president for eight years."

Hopkins, 43, served jail time in his teens for "beating up pimps and prostitutes" before rebuilding his life through a successful career in boxing.

The world light-heavyweight champion developed a reputation for being outspoken on issues of race, previously drawing criticism for saying that he would "never lose to a white boy".

Hopkins did not share his thoughts on the leading Republican contender, John McCain.

"I don't really care what happens as long as they get Bush out of there," he said, referring to US President George Bush.
Jul 24, 2005
yes sir even I agree with him on the barak I would love for him to be president I voted for him today, but every time a man of color get the people behind him they kill him, history don't lie,
Nov 7, 2006
i agree but i kinda feel it could happen with a female at president. i mean how serious will our enemies take us with a female at president? most of our enemies hate bitches. i want Obama to win but i feel his life will end very shortly after, if hilary wins then alot of the world will hate us that more, if a republican wins then i wont be happy. yo 20sixx u got room in russia for me hahaha.