you do not fucking run cali. and shame on you for even thinking/saying that.
Hollywood>Silicon valley. as far as the 'running things' aspect.
Its cool yall got pride tho. gotta have pride in your place. i feel the same way about new yorks pride. i guess it just borders coked-out conceit.
maybe i just look at that shit as slightly disrespectful.all that i dont rep cali i rep the bay shit.. dr. dre wasnt sayin' i rep LA i dont rep the bay when he was putting too short on them rhodium swap meet mixtapes in the 80' people like nump yelling fuck LA on youtube,i just sense some sort of divide. when were still down here being supportive of the hyphy movement and everything. south and north cali used to seem alot more integrated...not one person looked at souls of mischiefs "93 til infinity" as a bay area was a west coast song to us...
anywho my bad for ranting. its 4am and im trying to keep myself awake.
i guess im more of a fabricali "west coast" type of guy.
First Step on MArket street has some nice Bay Area shirts.. that arent cheesy looking... I think they have two for twenty five..... i think they have a web site