Barack the Magic Negro

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May 13, 2002

US talk show host Rush Limbaugh has come under fire for airing a racially charged song about the Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama.

Limbaugh has been playing a song called Barack the Magic Negro, to the tune of Puff the Magic Dragon.

The right-wing talk show host defended himself by saying he is an entertainer and the song is a parody.

Mr Obama, who hopes to become the first black American president, has played down the row.

Rush Limbaugh, whose radio show is one of the most popular in the US, justified running the song by saying that an article by a black commentator in the liberal Los Angeles Times was the first to link the term "magic negro" to Mr Obama.

Limbaugh said liberals upset about the term should be aware that "magic negro" is a historical cultural term, a reference to benevolent African-Americans portrayed in old films.

(Sung by Paul Shanklin impersonating Al Sharpton)

Barack the Magic Negro lives in D.C.
The L.A. Times they called him that
cause he's not authentic like me

Yeah the guy from the L.A. paper
said he made guilty whites feel good
they'll vote for him and not for me
cause hes not from da hood

see real black men like snoop dogg
or me or farrakhan
have talked the talk and walked the walk
not come and laid and won (not sure about this line)

Barack the Magic Negro lives in D.C.
The L.A. Times they called him that
cause he's not authentic like me
cause hes black but not authentically

some say barack's articulate
and bright and new and clean
the media sure love this guy
a white interloper's dream

but when you vote for president
watch out and dont be fooled
dont vote the magic negro in

(background singing the first 3 lines, while the singer is saying)

Cause I wont have nothing after all these years of sacrifice and I wont get justice this is about justice this is about justice, buffet, i dont have no buffet there wont be any church contributions there'll be no cash in the collection plate, no cash money, no walkin around money...


Mickey Fallon
Sep 10, 2002
Tomato Alley
why the fuck is this piece of shit on the air? this is nothing new, he's been doing shit like this, of all sorts, for years. On top of it, hes a fucking hypocrite, and everything he says is just stupid.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
limbaugh is a BITCH...i hate that mother fucker and the fact that people listen to him and take him serious and like him makes me want to smash all of their fucking heads in with a baseball bat...

FUCK limbaugh and 99% of his little crony bitches (republicans....and dems
Dec 8, 2005
BaSICCally said:
why isnt he facing the same pressure Imus has or is?
its all in the article...because its a historical term and was used by a black person referencing obama first. lol at teh rest of you whiny bitches always getting your thongs twisted.
Aug 19, 2004
BaSICCally said:
why isnt he facing the same pressure Imus has or is?
My guess is that while both are insulting, Imus situation wasn't connected to politics. If they did they might be accused of having a liberal bias since they already are accused of that.
I think that this is worse than what Imus said.
I just feel bad for the people who listen to him and others on those conservative stations. They use these "entertainers" as news resources because they can't or refuse to think for themselves.