i asked him if i send him money for the cd too the first time i talked to him.and he told me straight up that it's cash on delivery.so i said oh ok then i waited for 2 weeks without knowing when it would get here so i tried to call back.but that korean dude answered the phone.
thanks for lookin out.
i told him to send it to "tooper" he said c.o.d. so i thought it would be cool.but i had a feeling it was'nt coming cause i never had anything delivered up front for cash before.i'm not sure if they even do that still.
everything worked out though cause lil cs lent a helping hand for the cd.
i ordered that and ecay from the siccshop and the money went out for it last night.
thats how i always do business so when i heard c.o.d i was'nt sure i would really get it.
so you from dago homie?