Grooveline Magazine is having a "SUMMER AD BLOW OUT" You can't find Ads, FULL Page ads for $475.00 (color) This is a college publication and also distributed by "SAM GOODY" the biggest publication in the South and moving it's first issues to the Westcoast this summer. INDEPENDENTS DAY for the INDEPENDENTS
Those of you that's looking to push your record this summer and get the awareness going, holla at me asap. MESSY MARV on the first Westcoast issue.
Grooveline Magazine is having a "SUMMER AD BLOW OUT" You can't find Ads, FULL Page ads for $475.00 (color) This is a college publication and also distributed by "SAM GOODY" the biggest publication in the South and moving it's first issues to the Westcoast this summer. INDEPENDENTS DAY for the INDEPENDENTS
Those of you that's looking to push your record this summer and get the awareness going, holla at me asap. MESSY MARV on the first Westcoast issue.