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Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
I was thinking about the flows board back in the day. People used to just flow for the fuck of it. Battle posts would go back and forth. One person would spit, then someone would return, back and forth, back and forth...everyone just flowed. Spit their best. It was all fun and passionate. Nobody took offense or didn't write a verse because pride was in the way. A lot of battles were 3 verses back and forth. Now all of our posts are just one straight battle. Nobody ever returns, nobody ever joins in. A lot of people on the boards won't battle other members because of "feuds" and the level of respect that go into battles. Nobody wants to put their pride on the line. Lets all remember why we're here: to have fun. Everyone should just post the best flows they can. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. I'm sick of all this bullshit. It feels too politically correct. If you don't love writing raps, and you don't want to do it all the time, and just battle everybody for fun...then get the fuck out of here. If you're worried about your pride and you don't wanna get in a battle...then get the fuck out of here. Everybody should just flow because they have that passion inside of them. If you have something that you want to say, this is your forum for outlet. If you want to battle, and you have the desire to do it, then do it. I'm sick of the current state of this flows board.
May 10, 2002
fa sho man i put myself on the line everyday i respect the baord n people on it...the reason the flowbaord is the way it is would be because u got power hungry people that wanna "takeover" the baords...right now im battling for the siccness and everything u just said stealth i aint doin tha shit for my health i do it cuz after i write somthing i feel better than ever cuz i know what i mean and i got tha shit off muh chest. true ta dat

Jun 11, 2002
I agree...and I feel like a dipshit for runnin my mouth the other night,since I pride myself on not bein a shit talker.Wether I was drunk as hell or not,I apologize for floodin the board with useless bullshit.

stay up
Apr 25, 2002
i remember thoze dayz Stealth. we can only hope thiz board will return to itz old state, but tha fact iz tha level of talent haz dropped into tha pitz. thiz iz prolly why we got all tha shyt talkin. foolz who suck ballz come in talkin bout how they're sick and when they loze they claim they won and bytch about it. therez maybe 2 handfulz alltogether of headz who can FLOW on thiz board ryght now. other than thoze 2 handfulz, we got a bunch of shyt-talkerz who cant flow.
Apr 25, 2002
FaTaL NyGhTmArE said:
i remember thoze dayz Stealth. we can only hope thiz board will return to itz old state, but tha fact iz tha level of talent haz dropped into tha pitz. thiz iz prolly why we got all tha shyt talkin. foolz who suck ballz come in talkin bout how they're sick and when they loze they claim they won and bytch about it. therez maybe 2 handfulz alltogether of headz who can FLOW on thiz board ryght now. other than thoze 2 handfulz, we got a bunch of shyt-talkerz who cant flow.
My thoughts exactly


Sicc OG
Aug 1, 2002
Well peepz are always gunna battle, but I'm not all about that. But I like doing it win or loose, I don't care. I post more flows then I host battles, helps clear my mind of things. So Stealth, I ask you this, why not Knot allow battles in the flow board. Have them go to the Tournies board, or start a new board for just battles. Have a Battle board. If someone has beef with someone else have them take care of it there. Like Cmoke, Fawg vs the Zillaz could of been posted there, not flooding the board like we did.
