Everyone is aware of the unseen standard which divides "good" from "evil", even atheists.
The atheist simply does not REALIZE that the existence of this unobservable line is evidence for the intangible and transcendental Absolute Truth, God. Yet ironically this very line exists WITHIN themselves and they use it for reference every single day.
That is why I said they are the most unintelligent people. You and I understand that there are "good" and "evil", and that God is the Absolute standard who is superior to both of those things. But the atheist does not know what the difference is between good and evil, he simply has some mental speculation as to what is "good" or "evil", and so he does what he does according to whether his actions will directly benefit him or not.
Even atheists who perform seemingly "altruistic" or "charitable" actions are actually performing them for their own sense gratification. They do it for the popularity it will bring them, or they do it because they personally feel pleasure by performing such actions. They do all these things which SEEM to be "good" or "moral", while remaining completely ignorant of what actually is "moral" or "charitable".
As for ya troubles, I am sorry to hear about it. Keep ya head up and stay in contact with God, He will get you throuh it.