ced of blackmarket is famous for throwing shows, saying lynch will be
there when he hasn't even contacted lynch about the show, getting
people to show up to see lynch, then ced says lynch cancelled but
HEY: here's a bunch of other blackmarket cats y'all can check out. (no
disrespect to other blackmarket artists, they got to deal w/ ced's ass
just like lynch had to.)
he did that at the show y'all are talking about it, he did for a christmas
show up here. matter of fact, ced fucked off lynch's reputation quite a bit
w/ those moves, & perhaps that was his intention. when we toured the
south recently folks out there said they didn't expect lynch to
even show. if the show y'all's talking about was our fault, we'd
apologize. but we'll never apologize for ced's manuvers.
as for shows in the bay, we gonna think about doing some shows
this summer but i doubt anythang before that.