i was ASKING. because obviously i dont know much about this. what little i read in a non-anthropology book seems to have been wrong, so im asking the peeps who apparently do know stuff about this for info.
ok so since it apparently wasnt clear i was asking a question...
did the mayans use their astrological/astronomical studies for the same type of BS that people use astrology for today? as in relationships and if you are born under a certain sign you wont get along with people born under signs x,y, and z? or was it completely different?
your previous posts were very rude, and you sayin "same type of bs" how is it bs? lol.
i have used astrology, NOT THE SHIT IN MAGAZINES or the Daily newspaper, but REAL, descriptive astrology in order to help guide myself in many romantic relationships. Its easy to get wrapped up in certain characteristics of one's personality, but astrology gives a holisitic (wholistic) view, and really the 'annoying' things that i would experience just happened to be part of who that person was, and it was never going to change, so luckily i was able to end it before i wasted all my time, and keep a lot of them as friends that way as well.
I can explain a little how Mayans used astrology/astronomy as a guideline for their life. They believed that everything was a pattern, and this pattern was interpreted from the world around us, especially the skies. They knew that life was a cycle, birth/death/etc. and that being created is just as important as being 'destroyed' as we call it. That helps explain the 2012 apocalyptic prediction. Unfortunately, we are unable to understand what they used their calendars for and to what length, because like i said, the Aztec would ruin many of their temples and artifacts along with the Spanish invasion completely tearing apart Mayan and Aztec culture.
But i am pretty sure they were more focused on greater aspects of the calendar than just the chemistry two people would have together, it helped predict their next farming season, and other aspects of daily, weekly, and yearly life. I know that i'm not fully informed, like many Mayan specialists but that is the sliver that i know of Mayan culture so far.
I don't know what book you were reading, but seriously you should look up some other kinds of books that are written by anthropologists.
If you go to college, then look up anthropology links through your special access to the public library or college library