Assassinations of the 60's

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May 13, 2002
I'm trying to compile a list of people (US only) assassinated from the 60s to 70s, if you notice anyone missing from this list, please post, thanks...

Medgar Evers, civil rights activist assassinated on June 12, 1963
John F. Kennedy assassinated on November 22, 1963
Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated on November 24, 1963
Malcolm X assassinated on February 21, 1965
Viola Liuzzo (civil rights activist) assassinated on March 25, 1965
Martin Luther King assassinated on April 4, 1968
Bobby Hutton (Black Panther Party) April 6, 1968
Robert F. Kennedy assassinated on June 6, 1968

1968-1970, Black Panthers assassinated:
Arthur Morris
Bobby Hutton
Steven Bartholomew
Robert Lawrence
Tommy Lewis
Welton Armstead
Frank Diggs
Alprentice Carter
John Huggins
Alex Rackley
John Savage
Sylvester Bell
Larry Roberson
Nathaniel Clark
Walter Touré Pope
Spurgeon Winters
Fred Hampton
Mark Clark
Sterling Jones
Eugene Anderson
Babatunde X Omarwali
Carl Hampton
Jonathan Jackson
Fred Bennett
Sandra Lane Pratt
Robert Webb
Samuel Napier
Harold Russell
George Jackson*

*Conflicting theories regarding death


Sicc OG
May 26, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
I'm trying to compile a list of people (US only) assassinated from the 60s to 70s, if you notice anyone missing from this list, please post, thanks...

Medgar Evers, civil rights activist assassinated on June 12, 1963
John F. Kennedy assassinated on November 22, 1963
Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated on November 24, 1963
Malcolm X assassinated on February 21, 1965
Viola Liuzzo (civil rights activist) assassinated on March 25, 1965
Martin Luther King assassinated on April 4, 1968
Bobby Hutton (Black Panther Party) April 6, 1968
Robert F. Kennedy assassinated on June 6, 1968

1968-1970, Black Panthers assassinated:
Arthur Morris
Bobby Hutton
Steven Bartholomew
Robert Lawrence
Tommy Lewis
Welton Armstead
Frank Diggs
Alprentice Carter
John Huggins
Alex Rackley
John Savage
Sylvester Bell
Larry Roberson
Nathaniel Clark
Walter Touré Pope
Spurgeon Winters
Fred Hampton
Mark Clark
Sterling Jones
Eugene Anderson
Babatunde X Omarwali
Carl Hampton
Jonathan Jackson
Fred Bennett
Sandra Lane Pratt
Robert Webb
Samuel Napier
Harold Russell
George Jackson*

*Conflicting theories regarding death

Here are a couple you missed:

-George Lincoln Rockwell, (1967), founder of the American Nazi Party
-Harold Haley, (1970), Marin County Superior Court Judge taken hostage in an effort to free George Jackson from police custody
-Dan Mitrione, (1970), FBI agent and torture teacher, killed by the guerrilla movement Tupamaros
Nov 1, 2005
didnt quite make the 60's but..
Ruben Salazar or Rubén Salazar (March 3, 1928 - August 29, 1970) was a Mexican-American news reporter killed by the police during the National Chicano Moratorium March against the Vietnam War on August 29, 1970 in Los Angeles, California. During the 1970s, his killing was often cited as a symbol of the unjust treatment of Hispanic minorities by the police. Salazar was a reporter and the news director for the Spanish language television station KMEX in Los Angeles. On August 29, 1970 he was covering the National Chicano Moratorium March, organized to protest the disproportionate number of Hispanic Americans killed in the Vietnam War. The peaceful march ended with a rally that was broken up by the Los Angeles police using tear gas. This resulted in rioting, during which Salazar was shot in the head at short range with a tear gas projectile while seated in a bar. A coroner's inquest ruled the shooting a homicide, but the policeman involved, Tom Wilson, was never prosecuted. At the time many believed the homicide was a pre-meditated assassination of a very vocal member of the Los Angeles Hispanic community.