Assassin Fail

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May 13, 2002
OFIA (Reuters) - A man jumped on stage during a televised conference and attempted to fire a gun at point blank range at the leader of Bulgaria's ethnic Turkish party Saturday. The gun did not discharge, allowing time for the politician to knock the weapon away from his face while security guards quickly wrestled the attacker to the ground.

Ahmed Dogan, the long-time leader of the Movement for Rights and Freedoms (MRF), escaped unscathed and it was not immediately clear why the attacker had targeted him at the party congress in downtown Sofia.

Television footage showed the man jumping out of the audience and interrupting a speech by 58-year-old Dogan, who has led the party for almost a quarter of a century. Security guards were seen beating and kicking the attacker.

"Ahmed Dogan is in good health. Everything is under control," MRF official Ceyhan Ibryamov told journalists.

Police said they had arrested a 25-year-old man from the Black Sea town of Burgas who was also carrying two knives.

The liberal MRF party represents ethnic Turks and other Muslims who make up about 12 percent of Bulgaria's 7.3 million-strong population.

Dogan is seen as one of Balkan country's most influential political figures. The MRF was a junior partner in the previous Socialist-led cabinet.

In 1996, former Prime Minister Andrei Lukanov was found shot dead near his home in Sofia, though attacks on politicians are rare.


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
Doesn't get any luckier than that!

You don't know the political situation in the country, who the politician is and his background but there are serious reasons to think this was not a real assassination attempt and was in fact staged for political gains (and that man is a real player so it's not all beyond him to do something like this)

Apparently the gun wasn't even loaded:

Oct 19, 2008
You don't know the political situation in the country, who the politician is and his background but there are serious reasons to think this was not a real assassination attempt and was in fact staged for political gains (and that man is a real player so it's not all beyond him to do something like this)

Apparently the gun wasn't even loaded:

Good post, but again we never know