As ignorant as this sounds, the Reason Christians Shouldn't vote

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Mar 12, 2005
Ok folks, who gives a fuck if I get heat for this. Throughout Modern History, meaning from the 50s and up, the Presidents of that time until now have tried to create peace. If anything you Christians know better than before the time Christ comes back, he said any peace is false peace especially talks between Israel and Palestine. It shall be the days of Noah, people sinning, people exalting evil ways of life, people glorifying violence, homosexuality, corruption in governments. The moment a president plans on bringing forth peace, yet claims he's a christian is an idiotic, an oxymoron, and a false christian.

We are notorious people in terms of bringing upon peace to one another, which is the will of God, Jesus. That part is true, but when we come into the technical term of world peace, there would be no such thing, and if you remember before Jesus returns, the anti-christ is the one to make peace with the nations, and this implemented peace treaty is a false treaty of DEATH! Remember folks, there are christians that vote for individual reasons, but this reason has been highly neglected and left out of church sermons and teachings. Many Churches advocate for voting, and oddly enough the sheep come and feed. So If there are Christians out there that vote, it's just a waste of time.

World Peace is never going to happen, and the day it does, my brothers you know the Day of the Lord and Judgment will be at hand. He said he came to bring the Sword(The Word of God) not peace. There is not contradiction in that statement, because it's true. Jesus told us to love one another, but he didn't say that the world would do the same.

So my brothers and sisters, the moment you hear any presidential candidate speech on behalf of world peace, he's just spewing lies.


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
another reason they shouldnt vote is because of the "Gods Warriors" documentary on CNN. i wish i could find a link but it turns out mother fuckers been preaching in these megachurches to vote for the christian candidate and only because he is christian and supports christian ways. They dont care bout the wars the oil or anything else. "we do this because we LOVE humanity and we want to save it"

thats another reason for bush winnin ohio in 04 , or republicans being the majority of congress in 2000. ALL because they have a christian belief.

too bad they dont practice what jesus spoke of or warned about as 206 stated.

nice read tho.
fuckin ignorant ass mother fuckers


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
basically those who do not see and understand that all of us humans are in the same exact boat and have the same exact priorities.

lets go kill each other off like the athiest badgers did in southpark.
Dec 8, 2005
and the thumpers call atheists cynical....................but niuce post stockton, i didnt know that christians were anti-peace. good food for thought.
Dec 27, 2002
yea...that God's Warriors special was fucking sickening...i only caught a bit of the muslim one but all of the christian one...shit only strengthened my absolute opposition to organized religion
Jun 27, 2005
2-0-NINE said:
We are notorious people in terms of bringing upon peace...
This is true. The Crusades are historically looked upon as the most peaceful era in the history of the world.

Edit: Actually, wouldn't Christians only be notorious for bringing "false peace" as you put it since you say any peace before the return of Christ is false peace?


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
no^ , only those who were born believing in God cannot see any way other than to believe in a God to find hope, but in reality just like you accepted a "God" into your life and brought hope to yourself, you accept other things and make your life worthwhile.

you are the one livin your life, whether you like to admit or not.
Dec 27, 2002
it's all bad...but since i hadn't really been exposed to it before (unlike jewish and islamic extremism, which are more frequently covered in popular media), i found the christian zionist segment particularly disturbing
Dec 27, 2002
they're replaying all three (2 hr) segments again tonight, starting at 6 PM PT...if you miss that encore, you can find most, if not all, of the special on youtube
Oct 16, 2006
I'm Christian, and I don't see why that means I shouldn't be able to vote. (I don't vote for politicians just because they are Christian, and I don't know that many others who would. Just like I wouldn't vote for anyone because they are the same "race" as me or from the same neighborhood as me, etc. Besides, most of the politicians that claim to be Christian, right-wing Republican fucks don't practice what they preach. No pun intended. That's exactly why I wouldn't have voted for Bush, other than me being too young at the time. Most of them just use that as a hope to have a guaranteed base of voters, which doesn't always work. The pastor @ my church, just wants everybody to vote, since Blacks, don't vote as much as they should. We don't necessarily endorse politicians. They come to visit, but unless they agree to do everything they can to help out the community of East Oakland, it doesn't matter whether they are Christian, or whatever.
Oct 16, 2006
Of course, I don't believe that it's fair to chastize only Christians. Most people would want someone who represents them or shares something in common with them. That's just human nature. We want to see someone like us. But sometimes, they are only similar to us on the outside. That's why if you are going to vote, you should get more info on who you're voting for. You need to find out what they're all about. You can't just blindly vote because they share one belief with you.