thought this is relevent right now. tho8ght you might be interestwd.
First slavery, then Jim Crow, now modern-day minstrelsy!, March 20, 2004
Reviewer: zooropaflygirl (see more about me) from USA
WAKE UP AMERICA!!! Dave Chappelle is NOT funny. Dave Chappelle is to comedy what KFC is to soul food. It is juvenile, cliché, and tiresome. Next Richard Pryor? Muwhahahaha.. (The only funny sketch I saw was the one about the Klan). I recently saw a commercial addressing the show's negative image of white people! HA! What a big fat joke. This show has the opposite problem- it's negative portrayal of BLACK people. Yeah that's right; you heard me correctly. I am sick to death of the negative, false, and inaccurate stereotypes of us on television, every one in the book portrayed in this show. From the cliché ghetto-acting hip hop stereotypes to the crack-smoking, I am ready to hurl. And the lies. One of many examples: I saw this sketch the other night on his show about how white people looooove electric guitar and Latinos love electric piano. Okay the last time I checked rock and roll is BLACK music invented by BLACK people; the sad thing is that half the planet thinks that it's white music and Elvis invented it, which is such a lie. In that sketch is the trendy stereotype of black people being absent minded "Yo whaddup G" fools that can't play instruments and just rap. We f*ckin' play every instrument in American music, as well as invented some of them, AND invented every genre of American popular music. (R&B/soul, rock, jazz/ragtime, reggae, etc. Also if it weren't for blacks we wouldn't have country because several country instruments like the banjo are black inventions, and the roots of country music trace back to Negro spirituals and folk songs. I may be only 17, but I'm not naïve and I'm a liberal black woman who knows my history). The reason why this show is so successful is because the show's target audience is white people, who eat this stuff up. This is how white America perceives us. Especially 13-year old white boys who looove those ghetto-acting "it's cool to be stupid" stereotypes. That's what Dave Chappelle is: a 13-year old white boy trapped in a black man's body. I wonder if Chappelle really is a stupid modern-day minstrel "coon" or a smart man who is laughing up the bank by exploiting these stereotypes for his own profit and benefit. It's not like it's the 1930's and he doesn't have a choice. Fine if you enjoy watching this show but if you think this represents real-world African-Americans, get your head out of your ass! And if you think Dave Chappelle is some innovative comic genius that addresses racial issues, shoot yourself in the face. I haven't met any brothers or sisters who disagreed with everything I just said. Do all yourselves a favor and rent Spike Lee's Bamboozled. Read "My Bondage and My Freedom" by Frederick Douglass. Listen to an Otis Redding record. Talk to my grandfather-a scientist, professor, and teacher of Afro-American studies and Latin. Those are REAL African-Americans. Bottom line: At least Stepin Fetchit was funny. (I'm willing to risk getting lots of anti-votes because I'm brutally honest, a lot of you people can't cope with the truth. I'd rather write an an honest review and be deluged in anti-votes than lie and receive ill-gotten votes. I'd never compromise my integrity to acquire the approbation of a bunch of subconsciously racist lowlifes).
looks like she just got happy off her history books... im sayin go girl, but she needs to lighten tha fuck up! i was laughin hard when i read this. not being black, i still take what she said seriously, and deeply into consideration, but my philosophies on racism and shit can be left to gathering uv mindz. yeayuh!
how can you get so mad off a brotha just tryna do his thang? i dont see one bit of props to David there.
First slavery, then Jim Crow, now modern-day minstrelsy!, March 20, 2004
Reviewer: zooropaflygirl (see more about me) from USA
WAKE UP AMERICA!!! Dave Chappelle is NOT funny. Dave Chappelle is to comedy what KFC is to soul food. It is juvenile, cliché, and tiresome. Next Richard Pryor? Muwhahahaha.. (The only funny sketch I saw was the one about the Klan). I recently saw a commercial addressing the show's negative image of white people! HA! What a big fat joke. This show has the opposite problem- it's negative portrayal of BLACK people. Yeah that's right; you heard me correctly. I am sick to death of the negative, false, and inaccurate stereotypes of us on television, every one in the book portrayed in this show. From the cliché ghetto-acting hip hop stereotypes to the crack-smoking, I am ready to hurl. And the lies. One of many examples: I saw this sketch the other night on his show about how white people looooove electric guitar and Latinos love electric piano. Okay the last time I checked rock and roll is BLACK music invented by BLACK people; the sad thing is that half the planet thinks that it's white music and Elvis invented it, which is such a lie. In that sketch is the trendy stereotype of black people being absent minded "Yo whaddup G" fools that can't play instruments and just rap. We f*ckin' play every instrument in American music, as well as invented some of them, AND invented every genre of American popular music. (R&B/soul, rock, jazz/ragtime, reggae, etc. Also if it weren't for blacks we wouldn't have country because several country instruments like the banjo are black inventions, and the roots of country music trace back to Negro spirituals and folk songs. I may be only 17, but I'm not naïve and I'm a liberal black woman who knows my history). The reason why this show is so successful is because the show's target audience is white people, who eat this stuff up. This is how white America perceives us. Especially 13-year old white boys who looove those ghetto-acting "it's cool to be stupid" stereotypes. That's what Dave Chappelle is: a 13-year old white boy trapped in a black man's body. I wonder if Chappelle really is a stupid modern-day minstrel "coon" or a smart man who is laughing up the bank by exploiting these stereotypes for his own profit and benefit. It's not like it's the 1930's and he doesn't have a choice. Fine if you enjoy watching this show but if you think this represents real-world African-Americans, get your head out of your ass! And if you think Dave Chappelle is some innovative comic genius that addresses racial issues, shoot yourself in the face. I haven't met any brothers or sisters who disagreed with everything I just said. Do all yourselves a favor and rent Spike Lee's Bamboozled. Read "My Bondage and My Freedom" by Frederick Douglass. Listen to an Otis Redding record. Talk to my grandfather-a scientist, professor, and teacher of Afro-American studies and Latin. Those are REAL African-Americans. Bottom line: At least Stepin Fetchit was funny. (I'm willing to risk getting lots of anti-votes because I'm brutally honest, a lot of you people can't cope with the truth. I'd rather write an an honest review and be deluged in anti-votes than lie and receive ill-gotten votes. I'd never compromise my integrity to acquire the approbation of a bunch of subconsciously racist lowlifes).
looks like she just got happy off her history books... im sayin go girl, but she needs to lighten tha fuck up! i was laughin hard when i read this. not being black, i still take what she said seriously, and deeply into consideration, but my philosophies on racism and shit can be left to gathering uv mindz. yeayuh!
how can you get so mad off a brotha just tryna do his thang? i dont see one bit of props to David there.