Armed Police Invade High School

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May 13, 2002
Anybody see this shit or hear about it?!?!?

Armed Police Invade High School,
No Drugs Found

Gun-Wielding Cops Conduct Drug Sweep At School
Drug Sweep Finds No Drugs
KSAT, link
POSTED: 3:52 p.m. EST November 7, 2003
A drug sweep Wednesday morning at a South Carolina school has some parents and students questioning police tactics.
Surveillance video from Stratford High School in Goose Creek shows 14 officers, some with guns drawn, ordering students to lie the ground as police searched for marijuana. Students who didn't comply with the orders quickly enough were reportedly handcuffed.
Police didn't find any criminals in the armed sweep, but they say search dogs smelled drugs on a dozen backpacks.
The school's principal defended the dramatic sweep.
"We received reports from staff members and students that there was a lot of drug activity," said George McCrackin. "Recently we busted a student for having over 300-plus prescription pills. The volume and the amount of marijuana coming into the school is unacceptable."
The parents of some students who were subjected to the sweep disagree.
"I was just upset knowing they had guns put to their head and a canine was barking at them and about to bite somebody," said Latonia Simmons, the parent of one student. "It was awful."

Apr 25, 2002
Happened at my former high school, atleast two years before this thing. My brother was a student during it. They just don't have security cameras in the school so it never got on TV. We contacted the ACLU about it and they basically said, tough luck, it happens all the time, nothing we can do.

Schools have turned into a prison system for youth.

Mar 15, 2003
ColdBlooded said:

Schools have turned into a prison system for youth.

This is straight bullshit. I went to school both in the hood and in a normal area and I benefitted greatly from both experiences and learned alot during my time.

We have how many high schools in the USA? 50,000? 100,000? And here we have one incidence of police brutality, and you're saying schools are a prison for youth?

What do you suggest, a stupid ass liberal ass school system where the kids could do what they wanted? Walk around and talk and make paper airplanes and shit all day?

American schools, for the most part, work. You wanna see some shit ass prison-like schools, go anywhere else in the world.
Mar 15, 2003
See this is fucked up but there's much worse out there. How many schools we got? And here we got one instance of an abuse of power. This is the exception, not the rule.

And ColdBlooded label me what the fuck you feel like, that's an easy way to discount an opinion without having to tackle some shit head-on.
Apr 25, 2002
already dead. said:
American schools, for the most part, work. You wanna see some shit ass prison-like schools, go anywhere else in the world.
WHAT!!!??? lol, are you joking? cuz that's some funny shit. how many countries have you gone to school in?
how are you going to attempt to prove this?
Mar 15, 2003
True. Academically, most countries are superior. But the lessons learned are much different.

I'm not praising America' liberal ass school system, but especially in Japan kids are taught a very rigid thought process. The lessons you cherish 206, the ability to question, find your own solutions, etc., are often very much ignored. Whereas America teaches children that there may be more than one path to the goal, Japan for example creates a very robotic and conformist population.