So you all know what an international phenom I am. I travel continent to continent spreading my knowledge of professional wrestling like somesort of violent gospel.
I dine with royalty and heads of state. I been in the orifices of many of your favorite TV and movie stars. I have immunity in countries that you cant even pronounce, but yet....I do get bored with that lifestyle.
So. Once my good friend Billy Boy Gates (that's what us college chums call him) hipped me to the internet a few years back, I have been in awe ever since. Of course I get my porn on, and I did the napster thing for a while, but I must admit.....I have a fondness for this site that rivals, or dare I say....superceeds my love for Dana, pencil top trolls, and leather pinatas. (although, not exactly in that order)
Alas, I said that to say this............
How does a bitch get fat eatin' carrots??
Can you riddle me that one friggin time....PLEASE??
That broad looks like she's hittin' roaches, not choppin' someone up.
I dine with royalty and heads of state. I been in the orifices of many of your favorite TV and movie stars. I have immunity in countries that you cant even pronounce, but yet....I do get bored with that lifestyle.
So. Once my good friend Billy Boy Gates (that's what us college chums call him) hipped me to the internet a few years back, I have been in awe ever since. Of course I get my porn on, and I did the napster thing for a while, but I must admit.....I have a fondness for this site that rivals, or dare I say....superceeds my love for Dana, pencil top trolls, and leather pinatas. (although, not exactly in that order)
Alas, I said that to say this............
How does a bitch get fat eatin' carrots??
Can you riddle me that one friggin time....PLEASE??
That broad looks like she's hittin' roaches, not choppin' someone up.