Are Humans Superior

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May 15, 2002
I just want to get the opinions of others on the place of humans on our planet (or the cosmos in general). Are humans superior to the rest of the animal kingdom? Is nature and its animals here for us to enjoy? Is it okay for us to hunt other animals for the sake of enjoyment?

I believe that all living organisms are equal; I am no better than a spider, which is no better than a bacteria. Humans came about by the same process as everything else, so there is no reason for me to believe that my species is better than another.

May 2, 2002
RedStorm said:
Are humans superior to the rest of the animal kingdom? Is nature and its animals here for us to enjoy? Is it okay for us to hunt other animals for the sake of enjoyment?
May 13, 2002
Depends on what exactly is the quesiton. Are humans superior intellectually? Yes. Are humans superior at reproducing? No. Are humans superior to adapting? Compared to certain species yes and others no.

How does the saying go? If a nuclear holucost would happen today and humans go extinct, cochroaches and spiders will still be roaming the planet?
Aug 8, 2003
yeah the question needs to be more directed as to what are we more superior at...

from what ive gathered so far, im assumeing you mean are we more superior in the right/ability to exist.

well.... i personally don't believe that we as the human race have the right to dictate what can live and die or claim we are more superior, however, it is human nature to consume, and that we do...example....the food chain.


Sicc OG
Nov 19, 2002
i think humans feel superior to animals and nature because well, we can...think about lions had our brains, thumbs, walked on hinds legs, and had the learning abuilitys we do (physically and mentally) dont you think theyd be trying to run shit...its just nature...look at schools...why are bullys bullys? because they pretty much push ppl around and nobody does shit or nobody can do shit.


Sicc OG
Nov 19, 2002
Lil Pino said:
of course we're superior. Everything revolves around us cuz we built almost everything. Humans aint equal to insects lol
nothing but our lives revolve aorund us...insects dont need our money, toads dont need our sky high scrapers, hyenas can do without our medecine, bears dont need our no, were not the center of this world...if anything, we all revolve around nature and weve done a good job at destrying it...we need oxygen, wee need the meat from animals that live in nature, we need water, shit, most of the stuff we got in our lives (i.e shit weve built) we dont need...we cant live w out oxygen which comes from trees, we need meat that comes from animals, we need water which is from nature as well.

but hunting for sport i think is dumb...some ppl got some twisted ideas for "sports".
Jul 7, 2002
i'm with 20sixx on this...humans are smarter, but other forms of life are better at it better to be smart than stupid? the only life form here in the planet capable to destory the planet are humans

Mr. Smith said it best:
"I'd like to share a revelation during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species. I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You are a plague, and we are the cure"

now, that i think about it. how is AI goign to cure the planet?
Apr 25, 2002
I think a number of events that happened in the last 5 million years or so would prove humans today are superior to anything on our planet. Here's the biggest thing I noticed:

Anyone else notice how almost all animals are becoming SMALLER than they were previously, that BIG animals like Wooley Mammoths, Tigers, Whales etc. are endangered or extinct., while HUMANS continue to grow bigger and bigger, advance technologically and adapt to their envoirnment generation by generation?
May 15, 2002
What I meant to ask is whether humans have more of a right to live on earth than other life. I'm not talking about intellectual capability. I talking about if it is right for humans to kill off an entire species for sport or for clothing, or if we can destroy their habitat for sake of money making. I don't like how humans are manipulating nature for our own good and are ignoring the lives of other animals. Since we are intellectually superior, we are the ones that can help the species we hurt, but we chose not to.

I asked this because I was with my extended family recently, who is deeply religious, and they show total disrespect for all other life (except for plants). My cousin caught a falcon and was keeping it in a shed and then told me about how his friend accidentally "let my bird get away". And I'm like "Your bird?" I think it's fucked up how possessive we are.

Should we not care about the lives of other animals because they don't care about us?
Dec 2, 2004
in terms of survival...nope.

We think were superior because we can build bigass things and control our food sources. Its all a survival thing though. Biology suggests our one purpose and function is to reproduce and see to it that our offspring survive.... and after our bodies can no longer reproduce, we become dispensible... our bodies deteriorate from there on.

There are many species that are much better at surviving and reproducing... all our knowledge, technology, ability to control our food sources etc. etc. doesn't do shit except make it a little easier to survive.

So no we aren't superior, we may be the most superior mammal though. But knowledge/technology doesn't prove any superiority, it doesn't mean shit.
Apr 8, 2004
lol man is superior to animals.. whats there to debate? before all the technology we had animals were hunted for food/clothing.. i dont understand where you're comin from redstorm...maybe if humans werent so dependent on technology and you were hungry, cold, and homeless your views would be different about animals
May 13, 2002
Well, logically speaking we have any right to do anything we want. But, it is idiotic to wipe out entire species, not for moral reasons but because it can fuck with the entire ecosystem which in turn can be harmful to mankind.

If the world continues at this pace and we do not make drastic changes soon, the time will come when humans are extinct, which, I suppose would make humans inferior.