I been looking around the net trying to find info on how to properly make a room sound good on a budget and havnt came up with much. I know about diffusion diffraction absorbtion etc but Just buying that expensive ass foam and other shit doesnt mean much if you dont really know how and where to put it. Plus like i said all of this stuff is hella pricey. I'd like to know if possible to do it cheaper without using crap like egg cartons and shit that doesnt really work. maybe refresh me with some math formulas to do it half way right. I'm sure it will be a help to more than just me. Hersey, Vince Sic Wid It? You guys are the vets, i know you got something. I'll probably end up getting some books but i wanna see what i can get offa you guys, plus it makes for good conversation. This subject hasnt really been brought up much