Make sure you be part of the biggest celebration this year!
Felony Entertainment celebrates their 10 Year Anniversary with a Double Album Release Party!
Friday April 11 @ Brick City on 9th & Pacific ALL AGE SHOW
Sunday April 13 @ Club Inni's at 6008 Mt. Tacoma Dr 21 & up
We will be celebrating the release of Awall's album "Northwest Nugget" and Skirt Digla's album "Toxic Ghetto Gossip" and on Sunday the 13th we will also be celebrating Ms. Jessy's Birthday! Come and have fun,watch the performance, pick up the album and celebrate with Felony Entertainment!
Felony Entertainment celebrates their 10 Year Anniversary with a Double Album Release Party!
Friday April 11 @ Brick City on 9th & Pacific ALL AGE SHOW
Sunday April 13 @ Club Inni's at 6008 Mt. Tacoma Dr 21 & up
We will be celebrating the release of Awall's album "Northwest Nugget" and Skirt Digla's album "Toxic Ghetto Gossip" and on Sunday the 13th we will also be celebrating Ms. Jessy's Birthday! Come and have fun,watch the performance, pick up the album and celebrate with Felony Entertainment!