you gott get your xbox modded and you have to install software on your xbox that will allow you to ftp into your xbox so that you can copy all the files from the game you want to copy onto your computer, then you can burn them back onto a dvd.
"umm hi is this the service number for my xbox??...umm my shit stopped working after i installed a mod chip and started burning xbox games i rented....can you guys fix this shit for me??"
also if you put a chip or hardrive into your Xbox you can never go online with it, it automatically cancels it out from online use....and it fucks your warranty...
loon online for a faq on burning xbox games, you'll get all the answrs
you'll find everything you need to know in the sticky's of this might have to register, but the site got a lot of info, not jus xbox, but movies, ps2, ect...