I never said, YOU CAN'T make Hiphop beats on the MC808, I just said, I PERSONALLY don't really care to do so. I'd rather use a computer, plugins and software sequencing. But again, that's ME, my opinion. I'm sure it's 100% capable of making Hiphop, no doubt. It just seems like a really fun box to use more so for Techno beats since Techno beats don't neccessarily have to get too sophisticated and the sounds are very re-usable.
How do the 16 pads translate to keyboard notes? Does it just lay out like an octave or what? Does it utilize multi-samples, or uses single notes and pitches those notes across? It just seems like a real bitch to bust out melodies. Probably have to break down more complex melodies into pieces. Or would you just have to hook up a midi keyboard?