yea its cool if ur gonna dump thos chopped samples in reason cuz i think it only saves in the Rex2. format..which only works with reason ...I Think... :beard:
You can dump it directly into a sampler or Cubase as well. I know there's other compatible programs that you can use .rx2 files in as well, I just don't know which ones, because that's all I use them for.
I never chopped samples before, is it pretty painless in this program? I make my beats with reason and I really like it but I need something new to play with that ain't too expensive so i thought it would be right up my alley.
^^^ yea its pretty much just point and click...the sample waveform comes up and you just point to where u want to put a slice in...theres a little more to it but thats basicaly it. :chinese:
yea its cool if ur gonna dump thos chopped samples in reason cuz i think it only saves in the Rex2. format..which only works with reason ...I Think... :beard: