The west coast holds a ton of big names and independent names all together. LA and the bay holds on the majority. With many more new west coastaz coming out and blowin up this year. But yet there's one that has been around as part of the west coast game for a while. It's the one and only Skee-Lo and his classic hit is sometimes peepin on the radio. But what many have a problem with is that he's tight but he hardly ever cusses and he only came out with two albums in the past 10 years without ever working with anyone big or independent to prove he's still around and puttin it down and I think there's a lil chance he'll release another LP along with another big hit. Whats up with this guy and what yall think about him and his somewhat unique style? Does he play a portion of the present day West Coast Rap game? Anybody what yall think? :eyecross: