Dam homey, how did I miss you. EVERYBODY from Southeast/East Dago was there. It was like a reunion. Best function I've been to in a minute, besides the eses fightin'. E-Low also got a lot of footage for the Grimmie Wreck show (my interview, Dre's son, Sidewayz). All of the performances were on point. Hollared at Dre's on, nigga was already up on me, hollared at Mitch and Doo in vip (real niggaz), my dude DJ Fingaz, Cricet, Steve Vicious, the whole Dago rap game was there. I was hesitant on goin', but all the love and respect a nigga got from all sides made a nigga feel REAL good, and it kind of rejuvanated me. Dago has a long way to go, but after last night I see that we can pull it together. Wasn't no fighting/shooting amongst any Dago folks. The eses fightin' were from 0-Side, and I think against the Dago ese homies. The only thing is when Too Short finally performed a lot of people had left already because of the fighting. But overall it was off the hook!