Anybody get out & vote yesterday?

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Sep 10, 2005
I waited until the very last minute. Should of seen the look of the people working the polls & the people that were voting when me and my ol' lady walked up. They looked at us like we were about to rob the place.

By the way, Angelides for Gov. in November. Lets give Arnold a Cortez to the ass!
Sep 10, 2005
saladbowlking said:

Neither is grocery shopping, but everybody has to do it(unless you still live with mammi). Everybody should vote. How do you think Arnold got into office? Not enough Democrat's voted. The rich & white folks take pride in voting, thats why there are always laws that get passed that are basically there to do us minorities in. If more minorities and lower class people like myself voted, we could do some damage. The people that complain the most about the current situation, are the ones that arent taking the 15 minutes to fill out the ballot. If you are either too lazy or dont have a ride to the polling station, you could always become a registered absentee voter. That is where they mail you the ballot, you fill it out, then mail it in. I am an absentee voter, but I failed to mail it in, so I just walked my vote in. Arnold wasted millions of dollars on his special election to try to take 13% of my salary away, which he is still trying to do, so I have a lot riding on the November election. Every minority or lower class person needs to stop being so passive about letting the government walk all over them. There is something you could do about what goes on, you could vote.

NorthgateSacra for President!!!:beard:
Sep 10, 2005
rose town ryda said:
oops next year, forgot i was 18
If you register, you might be able to vote in November for the Schwartzenegger .VS. Angelides race.

And by the way, I'm not no super political person trying to pressure people into voting. I'm just offering a solution to most complaints people have about the system.
Dec 1, 2003
NorthgateSacra said:
Neither is grocery shopping, but everybody has to do it(unless you still live with mammi). Everybody should vote. How do you think Arnold got into office? Not enough Democrat's voted. The rich & white folks take pride in voting, thats why there are always laws that get passed that are basically there to do us minorities in. If more minorities and lower class people like myself voted, we could do some damage. The people that complain the most about the current situation, are the ones that arent taking the 15 minutes to fill out the ballot. If you are either too lazy or dont have a ride to the polling station, you could always become a registered absentee voter. That is where they mail you the ballot, you fill it out, then mail it in. I am an absentee voter, but I failed to mail it in, so I just walked my vote in. Arnold wasted millions of dollars on his special election to try to take 13% of my salary away, which he is still trying to do, so I have a lot riding on the November election. Every minority or lower class person needs to stop being so passive about letting the government walk all over them. There is something you could do about what goes on, you could vote.

that real talk, everyone bitches about the govermont, but they dont do nothin about like votin for example,if u want changes in the govermont u got to step up to plate a do somethin bout it..
Jun 24, 2005
NorthgateSacra said:
Neither is grocery shopping, but everybody has to do it(unless you still live with mammi). Everybody should vote. How do you think Arnold got into office? Not enough Democrat's voted. The rich & white folks take pride in voting, thats why there are always laws that get passed that are basically there to do us minorities in. If more minorities and lower class people like myself voted, we could do some damage. The people that complain the most about the current situation, are the ones that arent taking the 15 minutes to fill out the ballot. If you are either too lazy or dont have a ride to the polling station, you could always become a registered absentee voter. That is where they mail you the ballot, you fill it out, then mail it in. I am an absentee voter, but I failed to mail it in, so I just walked my vote in. Arnold wasted millions of dollars on his special election to try to take 13% of my salary away, which he is still trying to do, so I have a lot riding on the November election. Every minority or lower class person needs to stop being so passive about letting the government walk all over them. There is something you could do about what goes on, you could vote.

NorthgateSacra for President!!!:beard:

Sep 10, 2005
Next time you see somebody standing out front of the supermarket or Wal-Mart asking you if your registered to vote or if you would like to sign a petition, give them a few minutes of your time. I used to always ignor them until one day there was a Latino, and I knew that he gets paid for every signature he gets and just wanted to help him out. The petitions he had were pretty interesting, mostly involved keeping molesters away from schools or putting monitors on them. The form is simple to fill out, and just sign up to become an absentee voter, so all you have to do is fill out the ballot & mail it in. The ballots are easier to fill out then those bubble marked test in High School.

Here is the link to register to vote...
Sep 10, 2005
They can call you for jury duty, but you can easily get out of it. You can tell them you are racist, you dont believe in the justice system, or you will vote guilty regardless of the case presented.
Jan 24, 2003
Ey Rose Town Ryda to register to vote you go to the office by the jail I forgot what the name of it is. I voted for Westly but he lost but I'll take either one over Schwarzenegger. The good thing about good voter turnout in a neighborhood is that if a politician sees a good voter turnout they are going to cater to that neighborhoods issues. To take Santa Rosa for example, if the voter turnout in South Park was 100%, then the candidates would be discussing issues concerning South Park because they want your vote. I started voting 3 years ago and around election time I am constantly getting calls because they need my vote to win, my opinion matters. If you dont vote they could give a fuck about you and your opinion because you aint standin in the way of them winning the election. And of course, numbers matter, if we really want to see change we have to vote to make them recognize us as a force and make them push our agenda.I've been called in to jury duty twice but I never get picked.
Sep 10, 2005
::: SEIU Members United, We Voted, and We Won :::
Thanks to all SEIU members and staff who worked so hard on the primary election campaigns because together, union members made this victory happen! Union members getting out to vote clearly made the difference in close races across the state.

::: We Won Round 1: :::
In November 2005, SEIU members worked to defeat all of the Governor's Special Election initiatives that targeted US.

::: We Won Round 2: :::
On June 6, 2006, SEIU's endorsed candidate for Governor, Phil Angelides won a very close race and will now square off against Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in November.

::: Next, is the Main Event :::
With Angelides vs. Schwarzenegger, where pound for pound, Angelides has the knockout record on the issues that all Californians care about. On Election Day, November 7, 2006, we will finally have a chance to elect a new Governor. Phil Angelides, who is always in OUR corner, has the brains and the drive to get California Back on Track. He is the only candidate with a real plan for working families that funds our schools and strengthens our health care.

Let us never forget the real Arnold Schwarzenegger who has gone out of his way to try and cut our pay, reduce our health care benefits, eliminate our retirement, weaken our safe nurse staffing ratios, and contract out our jobs. Just last year at this time, he was going around the country raising millions of dollars to try and defeat us in the special election.

His goal was to take away our political voice, give himself huge powers over the state budget, and weaken the ability of the legislature to stop him - - all in one special election. Imagine if he wins four more years as Governor?

::: When We Unite and When We Vote, We Win :::