Anybody Buy any A's Tickets for $1.01 each this morning?

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Feb 8, 2004
101-year-old record falls, get tickets for $1.01

Brad Ziegler has smashed the record for career-starting scoreless innings set 101 years ago. The record of 25 was previously set by George McQuillan in 1907. Zeigler's streak began on May 30, 2008 when he made his Major League debut. He broke McQuillan's record on Sunday, July 27, but kept going, racking up 39 scoreless innings to complete his three-month streak.

Ziegler and the A's invite you to McAfee Coliseum on August 29 to celebrate the new record with a pre-game ceremony before the A's host the Twins. In honor of the 101 years that the previous record stood, Plaza Outfield and Plaza Reserved tickets to the game will be available for just $1.01 starting at 9:00 a.m. TODAY.

Heres The Link...

I bought 2 tickets this morning,cost me 7 bucks....
Aug 9, 2006
id go to baseball games a lot more if i was closer....its something you can do on a worknight with ease.....for some reason it doesnt take as much out of you to go to a baseball game as it seems with football games...

our fans need to start supporting our team more.....oakland/the east bay is a huge market and tarping a stadium of a storied franchise is embarising.....
Nov 27, 2006
actually in all honesty, the Twins and A's are pretty much the same team. Same mentality and game plan, its just that in the recent past the Twins have been a little more successful. Oakland games are also a nice cheap date with a female too, and you always have fun. So i got love for the A's but the Twinkies will always be my home team.