Another US military spy plane downed in Colombia

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May 13, 2002
Another US military spy plane downed in Colombia

Less than six weeks after leftist FARC rebels shot down a US spy plane and captured three CIA agents, another US piloted spy plane goes down over southern Colombia. All three members of the crew were killed, according to a spokesman for the Colombian Army.

26.03.2003 (By Maria Engqvist, ANNCOL Stockholm) The US military has suffered yet another setback in their Colombian war. According to the local Caracol TV channel a US spy plane went down near El Paujil in Caqueta department on Tuesday evening around 7 p.m., about an hour after sunset. Caracol reported that an Army spokesperson had confirmed that the plane went up in flames after crashing and that there were no survivors.

The crash ocurred in the middle of a traditional stronghold of the left-wing Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, FARC, a rebel army fighting for land reforms and an end to corruption. It is suspected that guerrillas from this rebel army's Teofilo Forero column shot the Cessna 208 plane down, but the US State Department declined to provide further details on the crash.

Local media, however, reported that the spy plane was participating in a massive search-and-rescue mission to find three other US intelligence experts working for the CIA whose plane — also a Cessna 208 — was downed in rebel territory near the US Larandia base on Feb. 13.

A fourth CIA agent and a Colombian soldier who had been aboard were killed in a firefight with the rebels after that crash, after which the three remaining agents surrendered and were taken prisoners by the FARC. Thousands of Colombian troops, assisted by U.S. intelligence and operations planners, have since been searching the jungles and mountains of southern Colombia without succes.

The FARC has offered to release the three captured US agents together with a number of captured Colombian military officers and high-profile politicians also held by the insurgents, in exchange for the release of captured guerrillas. The government of right-wing extremist Alvaro Uribe has so far rejected the proposal. Instead Uribe has called for increased US military intervention to assist the government's besieged fores.

The latest casualities take the death toll of US citizens in Colombia's civil war - whether official US military personel or mercenaries - to 16 in recent years. It is believed that more than 1.000 US troops are fighting Colombia's guerrilla insurgencies.
Jul 24, 2002

Good article bro!
I didn't even know this shit was going down....

Once again the paranoid CIA's trying to stop Communism in it's tracks.

Why do you think the CIA and Uncle Sam fear Communism so much?
I've been searching the answer for some time now.
Every conflict that the US has been involved in for the last 60 or so years involves Communism.
I mean, the CIA created Al Qaeda indirectly. With the intention to stop the spread of Communism.

The CIA has been waging a war with Communism for decades now, why?

Can anyone else answer this?
Why should we care about what form of government another country has?
May 13, 2002
miggidy said:

Good article bro!
I didn't even know this shit was going down....

Once again the paranoid CIA's trying to stop Communism in it's tracks.

Why do you think the CIA and Uncle Sam fear Communism so much?
I've been searching the answer for some time now.
Every conflict that the US has been involved in for the last 60 or so years involves Communism.
I mean, the CIA created Al Qaeda indirectly. With the intention to stop the spread of Communism.

The CIA has been waging a war with Communism for decades now, why?

Im at school so I gotta make this short....
The CIA fears communism for many reasons, one, Because it can work! Two, What would the purpose be of capitalism if communism spreads? Nothing.

I know that the CIA was mainly created to stop or gather info of communist nations....

Yes, thats very true about the Al Qaeda/Bin ladin and many other groups as well. Some one brought to my attention not too long ago that its the "my enemies enemy is my friend" thing. If your a terrorist, murderer, rapist, etc. its all good as long as your against a common enemy.

50+years of amerikan communist propaganda. No wonder why people hate on me for having Leon Trotsky in my sig

Jul 24, 2002
Yeah I always thought Capitalism was afraid of Communism because it presents a level playing field.
No rich, no middle class, no poor, everyone is equal.
I thought that what "they" fear is the fact that with Communism, the rich are reduced to nothing.

I for one don't think Communism works. That's my opinion but I always felt that this reason wasn't the real reason why America wants to kill Communism.
I mean, lets say if communism doesn't work, and your country is poor. How does this pose a threat to you?
The CIA is clearly acting out of threat and not compassion as some will lead you to believe. You know what I mean?
People who are against Communism will argue that it doesn't work and that it oppresses people.
Ok, what ever.... But if you're so fucking concerned about the people why is it that you don't care about the "peaple" when you install a democratic government in a previously communist country?
What do I mean by this? Look at Afganistan, we didn't give a shit about it's people when the Taliban came in. The CIA was just glad that the previous government was gone.
They always do this, they don't give a fuck who they put in as long as they're not commies.
Look at how many civilians have been killed in Latin America. They've been killed by the CIA's puppets, evil people that we fund. Yet we don't give a fuck about the innocent civilians.
So people who support what the White house does are full of shit when they say that are only looking out for those people's best interests.

It's a personal thing....
They fear communism....
And the only reason I can think of is that Communism poses a threat to the Rich and powerful....

Is it just me or why hasn't anyone else noticed that????
I know you understand this shit, but I'll be damn.
Muthafuckas are being suckered into this shit....
May 13, 2002
Something to realize about anti-communism is that like anti-terrorism and the drug war, it is a fundamental principle that's been promulgated and used to justify social repression. From basically the end of WW II onward, anti-communism was the excuse used for the use of extra-constitutional and illegal means for disrupting left or other dissenting organizations. When the Cold War began to wind down, it became the Drug War. When the Drug War didn't prove adequate, it's the War on Terrorism. In all cases, it's been used as an excuse to undermine constitutionally guaranteed civil liberties.
May 13, 2002
Well its not just the CIA, its the FBI and other groups as well. There main objectives are to disrupt or stop certain political groups. Not just communist groups, mostly left groups, black panthers, Communist Party USA, SWP, American Indian movement , Puerto Rican Independence movement, Black Liberation movement, civil rights movements, etc, etc, etc. My guess is these types of groups pose some type of threat to the government. They say that capitalism strives on the seperation of the people....So, whenever there is unity of the people, it is there job to stop it.

All you have to do is look at history to see this. Its documented that the FBI wanted MLK dead. Why? Why would they want someone as great as MLK dead? Because he posed a threat. The people were uniting. And now we see shit like the patriot act where we are losing our rights. I heard they are trying to outlaw protests in Portland. Why? Again, too many people are uniting.
Jul 24, 2002
So it's safe to say that they are paranoid.
They fear anything that poses a threat to their system.

It's all a monopolization.
A.K.A. The New World Order....

They want to control everything, and what's wrong with having once central organization governing the entire world?
We all know absolute power corrupts, absolutely.

When will people open their eyes?
May 13, 2002
miggidy said:
So it's safe to say that they are paranoid.
They fear anything that poses a threat to their system.

It's all a monopolization.
A.K.A. The New World Order....

They want to control everything, and what's wrong with having once central organization governing the entire world?
We all know absolute power corrupts, absolutely.

When will people open their eyes?
Definately paranoid.

Its too bad we wasted so much time in the past argueing about religion! lol
Jul 24, 2002

Say bro, I've always felt this way.
I got some DVD's with info on who's really runnin the world and info on the CIA's dirty secrets.
I hooked up Heresy with a copy of them.

Let me know if you're interested.

Check out Guillitine's threat on Cedil Rhodes, good info there.
May 6, 2002
miggidy said:

And the only reason I can think of is that Communism poses a threat to the Rich and powerful....

You hit the nail on the head. Break down the word "capitalism". One definition of the word capital is "Asset or advantage ". Basically in capitalism the rich feed off the poor. Without poor there is no rich. In a communist economy these rich bastards would lose thier advantage and actually have to work for a living. The thing that kills me about the USG's paranoia is that there has never been an actual communist government on this planet in recent times! Every "communist" government in the last 100 years has been blatently corrupt and therefore not truly communist. :devious:
Jul 24, 2002
So is that why Communist governments haven't worked?
Because of corrupted government officials?

I think there will always be corrupted officials who are gonna fuck up any government no matter how great it is.
It's only a matter of time.
Man kind is full of greed, they desire money and power.
Not giving a fuck who they step in order to obtain it....


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
communism has never worked. it never will.

all it does it take the value of the individual away. in the end theres still gonna be people sitting at the table while others are in the kitchen cleaning!!!!!

if everyones eating who is gonna clean the kitchen?
Jul 24, 2002
My "opinion" as to why Communism wouldn't work is that it would set low standards for people.
Kind of like Phil said, if you're gonna make "kitchen cleaning" wages, why go to school for over 10 years to become a doctor?
And if you're gonna get paid "McDonalds" wages, why go to school and become an engineer?

You have to get paid according to your skills.
I just don't see how Communism will work.

But who's to say anyways, no one has ever given it a chance....