thats the fuck from the Fahrenheit board that got ran outta town with that penciled in eyebrow shit--dude was talkin some crazy shit bout he fillin' his name in some DE shit and was ridin' testicles a little too hard--get back to preppin' your ass for the beauty contest fag...............outro
This dude was talkin about how he was in love with the DE and shit...groupie ass mark...he have ALOT of time on your hands to impersonate a artist and do this are PATHETIC!!!!!!
You musta got your lunch money(and man hood) taken everyday in elementary school huh bitch...
THis has to be the GAYEST thing ive ever witnessed on here...this cat went OUT OF HIS WAY to be NIP.....WOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!Got all the info on him and EVERYTHING....its a lil scary if ya ask me....
Hey D-Locc, i'm gonna come to your house and rape the shit out of your VCR..... throw "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" into that muthafucka and sodomize the shit out of the cassette bay
It's too bad a lot of us never believed that you were Ganksta NIP. I didn't know that it was a leotard wearing buttpluggin' buttpirate behind the curtain though. Get back to the Queer Nation message board you came from, rainbow warrior......
I didn't know that it was a leotard wearing buttpluggin' buttpirate behind the curtain though. Get back to the Queer Nation message board you came from, rainbow warrior......
1/ram me!
2/nutt on my back
3/tickle my anus
4/ass crack and surup (choped and screwed)
5/backseat in the alley
6/deep stroke doggy do it do it!
7/the de and me
8/father never loved me (bonus track)