And the first SoundScan is in...

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Sicc OG
Sep 12, 2002
it aint piracy^. Its because its a wack as album. There were only 3 new tracks everything else was recyled shit. Im not going to sped $15 on 3 new tracks when I can just get it online. Plus clearly the project was made for profit and not for the fans. I bought the jay-z-black album because it was $11 and everysingle track was heat and was one of the best $11 I spent. Now When I can get 14 new tracks with the jay for $11, why would I go spend 4 more dollars and buy a cd with 3 new songs (with one being a new beat)?
May 30, 2002
Yeah I'm surprised that PAC sold. Do you think Pac would have worked with eminem and 50 seeing that they are affliated with dr. Dre. No Man MTV got it twisted them niggas better put a lot of that money into turfs across the nation.