1.“So when a women said she was raped and Sodomized, does that still fall into the Old Definition of Sodomy.”
2. “I People who said you shouldn't let the bible interfere with your beliefs, it is my foundation of belief, and without it I'd be living Immorally.”
There is nothing wrong with the foundation of your belief that is your personal choice. But you shouldn’t present your personal belief as the word of god. Present it as your own belief just make your belief are not interfering with the bible. It’s okay to create your own system for not sinning but you shouldn’t feel its immoral to have fun with your wife. If you reasoning is because its not pleasurable to you that’s fine but if its because of immorality that’s wrong.
3.” could care less how you guys carry yourself, I live so that The Lord can see that I'm living this life for him, Not to brag. I'm not living this life so that you guys can say, damn this foo had sex with 8 different girls in a week. I don't live to boast or impress people.”
There is nothing wrong with this I’m not judging you. This is how god wants us to be God wants us to have a lifetime partner.