An explosion of billionaires in China

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May 13, 2002
Quick Summary:

China is a profoundly polarised society, with hundreds of millions of impoverished workers and peasants at one pole, and a tiny capitalist elite at the other. According to a Boston Consulting Group study, China had 250,000 millionaire households in 2005, ranking the country sixth in the world. These households accounted for only 0.4 percent of the total, but controlled 70 percent of national wealth.

Popular discontent is rising as exponentially as the wealth of China’s billionaire elite. Moreover, this huge wealth rests upon an extremely fragile foundation – real estate speculation and stock market dealing. As in most of the world, productive investment and fixed capital are secondary to the quick buck.

The contradictions of capitalism continue to unwind…​


Massive inequality is being facilitated by a set of speculative bubbles

This year’s list of the super rich in the People’s Republic of China provides a staggering picture of the country’s levels of social inequality. While the international media still routinely labels China as “communist”, the unfettered operation of the market has produced more billionaires this year in China than any country in the world, with the exception of the United States—the very centre of global capitalism.

The US-based Forbes list of “China’s 40 Richest” released last month found that their total worth had trebled from $US38 billion last year to a massive $120 billion this year. As the magazine commented: “By comparison, the 40 richest Americans are worth $628 billion. Once poor, China is hardly hopelessly behind the world’s richest country.”

Another annual compilation—the Hurun Rich List—issued a few days later found that China currently has 106 billionaires. Last year China had just 15 billionaires and none in 2002. Now China has the second largest group of billionaires after America, which has over 410 billionaires, and nearly twice as many as the previous second placeholder, Germany with about 55.

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Mike Manson

Still Livin'
Apr 16, 2005
What they always forget to mention is the new middle class. About 10 years ago, there were no private cars in the city I live in. Now there are so many private cars that range from cheap Chinese, over to cheap and middle priced American/Korean cars, to Luxury Cars...this just for an example.
I could go on and on, but Capitalism brought also a lot of good things with it, which I can see every day...


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
but still man, 70 percent of the wealth is in the hands of less than 1% of the population. Dang
In the real communism which I was born in, it was 100% of the wealth in the hands of 0.1% of the population, just not officially. However, that 0.1% of the population thought they will last forever so they let others benefit from it too...
May 13, 2002
Shit, didn't even notice that.

I don't know what you meant by "real communism", technically I wouldn't call that real communism at all, it was the Soviet model of communism or Stalinism, which of course wasn't all bad they had a very high priority to scientific and technological advancements, but not real communism nonetheless


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
Shit, didn't even notice that.

I don't know what you meant by "real communism", technically I wouldn't call that real communism at all, it was the Soviet model of communism or Stalinism, which of course wasn't all bad they had a very high priority to scientific and technological advancements, but not real communism nonetheless
"real communism" was never built anywhere, I used the word to distinguish between the Chinese model now and what it used to be in USSR and countries like Bulgaria and Romania (it was somewhat softer in the other socialistic countries)

I should have been more precise with the word choice