Amerika: Free Speech Zones

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May 13, 2002
As Bush spreads lies throughout the land, dissenters are corralled into “Free Speech Zones” –- is this America?
By Mick Youther

Did you see the coverage of Prime Minister Tony Blair arriving to testify at the Royal Courts of Justice last week? The street was a mob scene with police, security vans, motorcycles, and protesters. The protesters greeted Blair by chanting “Shame on You.” and banners accusing him of using “weapons of mass deception.” “Bliar” T-shirts and Pinocchio-style noses were the fashion of the day for the protesters collecting signatures demanding Blair's resignation. All and all, it was rude, rowdy, disgusting display of British democracy in action. America doesn’t have to worry about that kind of ugly scene anymore.

• “Anyone with an anti-Bush sign is relegated into what is euphemistically called a Free Speech or Demonstration Zone -- a swath of land usually off the main thoroughfare and chained off so as to make it virtually impossible for the targets of the protest to read the signs or hear the chants.”
--Robyn E. Blumner, St. Petersburg Times, 10/13/02

• “We were not allowed anywhere near any kind of position where the president, or the media which follows him, would see or hear us…. The effort being made to hide political opposition in this country is more than cowardly. It's un-American.”
--Peter Buckley, candidate for Congress in Oregon

• “You may have seen the item yesterday about demonstrators against President Bush being herded inside a fence at Neville Island for his Labor Day visit. Police called this enclosure the designated free-speech area, though anyone who had signs praising the president was evidently OK to line the island's main street for the motorcade.”
--Brian O'Neill Pittsburgh Post-Gazette September 5, 2002

• “We're not prejudiced against who you're protesting for or against. We don't designate a protest area based on the message.”
--Jean Mitchell, Secret Service spokeswoman

• “I asked him if it was the content of my sign, and he said, ‘Yes, sir, it's the content of your sign that's the problem.’ And so it's just become a matter of procedure that the Secret Service is clearing the area of anybody that would have a message that would be contrary to George Bush's policies.”
--Brett Bursey,activist arrested for holding a "No War for Oil" sign outside a Free Speech Zone

One of the more disturbing aspects of all this is the willingness of local authorities to follow the Bush Administration’s lead and harass peaceful protesters. They give excuses, “We’re just doing our job,” or the more infamous -- “We are just following orders.” Neither excuse is acceptable.

• “When I asked the officer why we were not allowed on the sidewalk like the people walking to the picnic and residents holding pro-Bush signs, he simply said, ‘Orders.’”
--Regis T. Sabol, New Deal Publications

• “When we asked why [we would be arrested if we did not move to a cordoned-off area out of sight of the crowds] we never got a clear answer; something like being a threat to national security, or something to that effect. He was just ‘doing his job.’”
--Dorothy Wolden, Northland Chapter of Grandmothers for Peace, 8/29/03

We cannot allow Bush & Co. to spread their campaign of lies across America while we stand quietly behind the dumpster on the other side of the building. They can visit our communities, but that doesn’t mean they own them. Maintaining security is one thing, but a sign that says “Bush is a Liar” is no more dangerous than one that says “Bush in ’04.”

We need to let our local elected officials know, in advance, that our local authorities had better not take part in any Gestapo tactics orchestrated by Federal agents. Their job is to protect and defend the Constitution, not suppress peaceful protests against Bush & Co.

Demand that your representatives in Congress pass legislation that will put an end to “Free Speech Zones.” When it comes to peaceful assembly and protest, America is the Free Speech Zone.

• “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
--Constitution of the United States, The Bill of Rights, Article I

• “Terrorism cannot take away your freedom. That's impossible. It is only George W. Bush and his government that can, and in doing so, he is making sure the terrorists have won."
--Wade Inganamort,

• "We need to do more than be passive observers of history, because the decisions being made right now are our future....”
--High school sophomore Sol Kelley-Jones, representing Students for an Informed Response

Mick Youther is an Instructor in the Department of Phsyiology at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, IL.


Sicc OG
May 16, 2002
What about the presidents right to peaceably assemble? There should be designated areas for people to a have gathering, protests, speeches, a freakin family barbeque, etc.

Cuz when there ain't no designated areas then the shit ain't peaceful. You end up having to try and talk to the people who believe in what your doing by screaming at the top of your lungs over people in your area who oppose you who are screaming at the top of their lungs so the people who are with you can hear you. And it usually ends up with tempers flaring people tryin to knock each other out and the riot police being blamed for all the violence and brutality.

How peaceful is that? It's like a bunch of kids in a shouting match who claim to be mature adults who can handle situations in a mature fashion but yet still resorting to childish tactics.

If people want to listen to you they should have that right to do so peaceably. So I do believe in designated areas. Otherwise it's like you going up to a microphone to try and say something and somebody else keeps grabbing it away from you everytime they don't agree with what your saying and starts yellin blah bla bla in the mic.

If we could have a place where people could voice their opinions and debate about subjects without interrupting each other and talkin out of turn. That would be great. But since that never happens it's like we need designated areas to speak in. Or else nobody hears anything but a bunch of shouts and insults instead of answers and solutions to problems. And that's just retarded as fuck.

"Free Speech Zones" sounds like a solution to the problem of the right to peaceful assembly. I'm all for it.

I don't understand what's up with the American people. We choose someone to be our leader and then we say he shouldn't have the power to lead without our consent. What type of ass backwardass shit is this? That's like asking your kid for permission to not let him take your car cuz he's drunk as fuck. C'mon now dammit.
May 13, 2002
I don't understand what's up with the American people. We choose someone to be our leader and then we say he shouldn't have the power to lead without our consent. What type of ass backwardass shit is this? That's like asking your kid for permission to not let him take your car cuz he's drunk as fuck. C'mon now dammit.

Ender, I think you are forgetting that the MAJORITY OF AMERICANS DID NOT VOTE FOR BUSH.

He is not the democratically elected president.

Yeah, your right...Fuck freedom of speech. Who would want such a thing?
Aug 26, 2002
Florida should not of even mattered in the last election.........................thousands of STL people were sent to the wrong addy to vote, when they get therre they find out they got to go all the way on the other side of town to vote...............and then they shut polls down and basicly said fuck yall votes................STL is known to be Democratic city
Jan 31, 2003
I think it's funny that everybody complains about Bush getting into office without the majority vote. Even though that's true, that's not how our system works. Go complain and try to abolish the electoral college instead of bitching for the past three years that he's not legit - becuase he is. The same thing happend to Clinton in his first election. He didn't have the mojority vote - but the electoral college voted him in. As much as I hate Cinton, it was fair and square.
May 13, 2002
JsAHogg said:
The same thing happend to Clinton in his first election. He didn't have the mojority vote - but the electoral college voted him in. As much as I hate Cinton, it was fair and square.
First off, your 100% incorrect. Clinton DID have the majority of the votes. Do some research before you make such claims.

1992: Popular Votes: Electoral Votes
Bill Clinton: 44,909,889: 370
George Bush: 39,104,545: 168
H. Ross Perot: 19,742,267: ---

I think it's funny that everybody complains about Bush getting into office without the majority vote. Even though that's true, that's not how our system works.
Second, its not the fact that Bush didnt get the majority of the votes, its the FACT that HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of votes were not counted or threw out, not only in Florida(, but ALL ACCROSS AMERICA. Caltech-MIT team finds 4-6 million votes lost in 2000 election; Nationwide reforms outlined in report


Sicc OG
May 16, 2002
2-0-Sixx said, "Yeah, your right...Fuck freedom of speech. Who would want such a thing?"

^When did I say that shit? Don't put words in my mouth. And if your gonna do it anyways at least show where I said this.

I completely agree with freedom of speech. I don't mothafuckin agree with freedom of who can yell the loudest. Remember I'm tryin to find solutions to problems and answers to questions.

Tell me why you disagree with the free speech zones, please. I would like to hear your point of view on this. Why you think it's wrong or right.

If your implying that it goes totally against what free speech is, then tell me how you think it does this.

And by in so doing we can try and find our answer to this proposed solution to peaceful assembly.

But if your speakin just to make Bush look bad and no matter what he does your gonna disagree with it cuz you don't like him as a person well... then you can go to your designated free speech zone and yell and throw insults all day long in peace. :)
May 13, 2002
Ender said:
2-0-Sixx said, "Yeah, your right...Fuck freedom of speech. Who would want such a thing?"

^When did I say that shit? Don't put words in my mouth. And if your gonna do it anyways at least show where I said this.
Slow down comrade! I never put any words in your mouth...Its called sarcasm.

1.A cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound.
2.A form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic language and is intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule.

Tell me why you disagree with the free speech zones, please. I would like to hear your point of view on this. Why you think it's wrong or right.
This is why...“Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
--Constitution of the United States, The Bill of Rights, Article I

If your implying that it goes totally against what free speech is, then tell me how you think it does this.
What, cant read? Here, I'll put it in BOLD. *Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”--Constitution of the United States, The Bill of Rights, Article I

It's clear as day comrade.
But if your speakin just to make Bush look bad and no matter what he does your gonna disagree with it cuz you don't like him as a person well... then you can go to your designated free speech zone and yell and throw insults all day long in peace.
It looks like I will have to go to my designated corner or be arrested for demenstrating my right as an american citizen.:dead:

Jan 31, 2003
Yep, you got me. I went and looked it up right after I replied, and got those numbers. I had heard that but didn't look to see if it was correct.


Clinton's still a bonehead, though.
May 13, 2002
It violates the constitution becasue it TELLS you where you can and cannot assemble/protest and it gives pro-bush supporters privaleges that a non-bush supporter will not recieve.

"This was not the way it was meant to be. In our system, where everyone has a voice, anyone should be able to protest within full view of the President and his supporters. They should be able to hold their signs up high, proclaiming for all who will listen what they consider to be right. Our country was not founded on the basis of excluding voices, it was founded on the basis of including and protecting everyone's voice."

"No one — not even the President of the United States — may restrict free speech to certain areas of this country. This entire nation is a free speech zone, by design. Everyone has a right to stand right in front of the President, if they want to, proclaiming that his war is unjust or that his policies are wrong. "-
May 16, 2002
^Alright "comrade" so let's say you go to this park right, and you gathered up a bunch of your other comrades so you could talk in peace about communism.

And I come along with a group of Enders, get all up in your mix and just start yelling at the top of my lungs "Communism sucks! 2-0-Sixx is evil!" over and over and over and over and over...

I'd take it you'd be pretty pissed cuz you came to this park to talk to your fellow comrades in peace. You had no intention of bothering me and my group of Enders you just wanted a place where you could gather in peace.

So then you and your comrades pick up and leave. Cuz it's kinda hard to talk over me and all the Enders shoutin shit, and you really ain't lookin for a confrontation. Well what do ya' know we follow you to your next spot and start yellin "Communism sucks! 2-0-Sixx is evil!" at the top of our freakin lungs again.

What are you gonna do? I'll bet you'd wish we had to stay in our free speech zones cuz the shit's starting to get annoying and a little out of hand. And unless you and your comrades are ready to go to war with me and my Enders, and if there aren't any designated free speech zonizzle's then it's gonna keep going on and on like this without nobody ever finding a solution.

Whoa. I just justified the free speech zones and war with the same paragraph. bing! :)

2-0-Sixx, you sound more like an anarchist then a believer in communism. You besta check yo' beliefs son. lol.
May 13, 2002
Ender said:
^Alright "comrade" so let's say you go to this park right, and you gathered up a bunch of your other comrades so you could talk in peace about communism.

And I come along with a group of Enders, get all up in your mix and just start yelling at the top of my lungs "Communism sucks! 2-0-Sixx is evil!" over and over and over and over and over...

I'd take it you'd be pretty pissed cuz you came to this park to talk to your fellow comrades in peace. You had no intention of bothering me and my group of Enders you just wanted a place where you could gather in peace.

So then you and your comrades pick up and leave. Cuz it's kinda hard to talk over me and all the Enders shoutin shit, and you really ain't lookin for a confrontation. Well what do ya' know we follow you to your next spot and start yellin "Communism sucks! 2-0-Sixx is evil!" at the top of our freakin lungs again.
Always making up cute little stories. Well, Comrade, if you haven’t noticed there is this little thing called “fredom of speech.” You might not like it, but it is every citizen’s right as an American. That is why the KKK, anti-abortion groups, etc. etc. etc. are allowed to assemble and speak their minds. I don’t know how clearer I can make it for you, but I will show you ONE MORE time, this time I want you to REALLY read it, study it and digest it. *Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”--Constitution of the United States, The Bill of Rights, Article I

Does this make ANY sense to you or do you just simply disagree with it? If you dont understand it, go to and look up the words that are too big for you. If you just simply disagree, should free thinking Americans be herded into groups like sheep and pushed away from the public eye? Is that the kind of society you want to live in where open minded individuals are punished? Follow Your Leader. "Yes sir, I will do as you say, masta."

Whoa. I just justified the free speech zones and war with the same paragraph. bing!
You didn’t justify shit with your pointless little story.

2-0-Sixx, you sound more like an anarchist then a believer in communism. You besta check yo' beliefs son. lol.
I “besta check my beliefs, son”?!?! Alright SON, I have just checked and reconfirmed that I am a Marxist, you sound like a brainwashed fool who would be willing to live in a society like “1984” if your masters told you to.

How the fuck do I sound like an anarchist when it is ME that knows our constitutional rights and DEFENDS them?