America's academic tyrants

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May 8, 2002
Walter E. Williams
September 3, 2003

Many of America's colleges and universities have become the modern leaders of racism and intolerance. Recently, we were treated to information about racism at the University of Michigan, where its academic elite gave students 20 extra points toward admission based solely on race.

The U.S. Supreme Court found this explicit racism unconstitutional but did allow continuance of a more hidden form, where universities can consider race as "a plus" in admission decisions. The University of Michigan case is merely the tip of the iceberg. There are loads of racist and intolerant practices thought up by the academic elite that our youngsters will encounter as they take on the new semester.

Jeanne McDonnell, a freshman at the College of William and Mary, tells her story in an Aug. 25 Washington Times editorial. She sought to enroll in a five-week seminar called the Summer Transition Program offered to help students develop good study habits and test-taking skills. She found out that the seminar was racially segregated, and as a white young lady she was denied admission -- only preferred minorities were accepted. Would supporters of this practice be bothered if William and Mary had seminars for whites only where blacks and Hispanics need not apply?

What about segregated graduation ceremonies? Vanderbilt, Stanford University, the University of California, the University of Michigan and the University of Pennsylvania are among those that offer separate graduation ceremonies and separate "celebratory events" for black, Hispanic and Asian-American students. University administrators not only condone segregated ceremonies but racially segregated student housing, as well.

This "enlightened" policy not only occurs at backwater colleges but at our most elite universities, such as Stanford, Cornell, MIT, Pennsylvania and California-Berkeley. What if white students demanded whites-only graduation ceremonies and whites-only dorms?

In addition to racism, universities have become bastions of intolerance. America's liberals are known for their strong advocacy of free speech, including vile speech and speech that assaults precious symbols, such as the U.S. flag and the Bible. Liberals are free speech advocates because it's crucial to their propaganda agenda for control. But liberals have contempt for most freedoms, and once they're running the show, that contempt will extend to free speech.

Yesteryear's flower children are today's academic elite -- they control our universities. Through campus speech codes, free speech is under assault on some college campuses. Steve Hinkle, a Cal Poly student, posted a flier announcing a lecture by Mason Weaver, author of "It's OK to Leave the Plantation," a book that argues that dependence on government programs places many blacks in circumstances analogous to slavery. The flier offended some black students, and Hinkle was ordered to write letters of apologies, which he refused to do and now faces disciplinary action.

Harvard Law School faculty adopted "Sexual Harassment Guidelines" targeted at "seriously offensive" speech. Texas Tech bans "communications (that) humiliate any person." The university offers as examples of punishable expressions, "sexual innuendoes," "referring to an adult as "girl," "boy" or "honey," or "sexual stories." Professor Alan Kors of the University of Pennsylvania, concerned by so many egregious violations of free speech, founded Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE). FIRE has successfully brought suit against several universities for their suppression of speech and ideas.

Both as taxpayers and donors, Americans have been exceedingly generous to our universities. The academic elite has contempt for American values and the wealth that make that generosity possible. I think university administrators might get the message if we'd put a halt to our generosity. Maybe a good donation strategy is to search a university's website or catalog. See whether it has multiculturalism, diversity or equity offices and programs. If it has, it's probably practicing some form of racism. The next step is simple: Close your pocketbook.

©2003 Creators Syndicate, Inc.

Contact Walter E. Williams
Apr 25, 2002
Either way you have it, "minorities" are going to complain about racism and whites are going to complain about reverse racism. Everybody thinks they are entitled to something based on the color of their skin and/or what the other person is getting. There's scholarships out there for every person of every race.

A simple solution is private universities. You can bypass all of this bullshit. Most of their applications don't even ask what race you are. The tuition may cost more, but you don't have these racial issues.
May 13, 2002
AdolfOliverBush said:

A simple solution is private universities. You can bypass all of this bullshit. Most of their applications don't even ask what race you are. The tuition may cost more, but you don't have these racial issues.
Yeah, there wont be any racial issues because all the students are white:dead:
May 13, 2002
Mcleanhatch said:
i cant believe no1 will touch this article, come on Melo this touches on what we were debating about AA
Amazing similar to another thread...

2-0-Sixx said:
Why did you post his picture? Out of all the hundreds of articles you have posted you have NEVER posted the writers picture. Is it because he's "black"? Is this the only reason? Wow, good job Mclean, you have found a rich black man who is against the NAACP! Great job!
Dec 2, 2002
Why did you post his picture? Out of all the hundreds of articles you have posted you have NEVER posted the writers picture. Is it because he's "black"? Is this the only reason? Wow, good job Mclean, you have found a rich black man who is against the NAACP! Great job!
true true
May 8, 2002
MizeryU said:
Why did you post his picture? Out of all the hundreds of articles you have posted you have NEVER posted the writers picture. Is it because he's "black"? Is this the only reason? Wow, good job Mclean, you have found a rich black man who is against the NAACP! Great job!
true true
like i said in another articel i have psoted several other authors pictures, including "white" guys like Rush, Bill O'Reilly, Michael Reagan, and Col. David Hackworth
Sep 13, 2002
yea its pretty much bull shit.

if your white your restircted. if your any other race you can say or do what ever the fuck you want.

oh well i dont give a shit. ill do what the fuck i want and say what the fuck i wanna say. aint no jessie jackson, al sharpton luvin motha fucka gonna stop me.

fuck them with a passion i hope they die slow. and most of my folks that are black mexican and asian feel the same motha fuckin way,

fuck those racist motha fuckas.

how bout stopping the reverse segragation. how bout we all just look at each other as people.

could that ever happen. propably not. we got the kkk .0000001 percent of white people, that hate blacks and shit.

and then you got jessie jackson making it look like every white person hates blacks and tries to hold them down. so then you get black people hating whites. which makes the whites hate blacks even more

then the circle continues.

fuck all them i hope they all get killed. and any one with there views.
Jul 7, 2002
AdolfOliverBush said:
They may be the majority white, but that's because the standards to get in are a lot higher than a public or state university.
in fact, this is the same bitch who has "hunting iraqis" as a sig.

is there something we should know?
Apr 25, 2002
nefar559 said:
u calling minorties dumb?
I'm sorry, my mistake. I had to rephrase that because I was not paying attention to what I typed.

Anyways, you can ask the same question about the person I quoted. He says that private universities are majority white, I say the standards to get in are higher. Put them together. Anyone can get in to a private university because most of the time race is not even a question.


Sicc OG
Oct 2, 2002
AdolfOliverBush said:
Either way you have it, "minorities" are going to complain about racism and whites are going to complain about reverse racism. Everybody thinks they are entitled to something based on the color of their skin and/or what the other person is getting. There's scholarships out there for every person of every race.

A simple solution is private universities. You can bypass all of this bullshit. Most of their applications don't even ask what race you are. The tuition may cost more, but you don't have these racial issues.
yes, but then you have diversity on campus.... lack of diversity breeds racism