Ain't this some shit?

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Jul 6, 2002
pitty4thebitti said:
yeah I read it...
But did you comprehend the idea that was being presented?

From what I read, the pryramid is on the back of the dollar bill as a reminder that "whatever a man sows, he shall also reap"...
I didnt fully understand the connection between the Hebrew slaves and the fact the Blax were subjected to bondage by Europeans in the New World. What I do knw is that both groups endured being treated less than human for about 400 years. This means one (or the combination) of two things, eigther this nation is doomed to failure for the exploitation of blacks in the past (We doomed anyway, so wake up before you are all through!) or that black people are really Hebrews by genetics and dont know it....

I believe both of my assumptions are true, but hey, those are just my "racist" opinions...

As far as Amerikkkan potta-trix goes...Isreal is our number one ally and they receive the most of our foriegn aid (in the form of $$$), then Egypt, and then Columbia....
Jul 6, 2002
...something to think about...

pitty4thebitti said:
WTF? That was some stupid shit!!!
Have you ever heard of the Total Information Awareness System?

Peep the logo, and the words in latin translate to "Knowledge Is Power"...
Jul 6, 2002
NO, it is a governmental intelligence agency that supposedly is used to track terrorists within american borders...

I read an article in USAToday a couple of months ago that said that as of now the department is running it's "test prototype" phase...the person who is in charge of the agency is John Poindexter (Does this name ring a bell?? *cough* Iran-Contra Scandal *cough*)...according to the article, eventually every American citizen will have a personal dossier in the department's sytem to track their whereabouts and financial transactions...

So who's Gr$$n Eye is that on the top of the pyramid in the logo? I dont know, but I aint got no Big Brothers...Maybe I should ask my Uncle Sam what the deal is!
Aug 6, 2002
according to the article, eventually every American citizen will have a personal dossier in the department's sytem to track their whereabouts and financial transactions...
is this going to be in real time? like they will know where your at right now and you purchased a porn mag at so and so place?
May 16, 2002
^That would suck.

Here's something to think about. If a pervert is someone who likes to watch people only when they're naked what do you call someone who likes to watch you at all times and in everything you do? Hmmm....