cant fuck wit us?
the reason i bring it up is,that cut has so-so production at best yet tonys pressence and rhymes bring it to a whole other level.
the point is lots of rappers had tons of advantages in their corner thru out their history,while tony is amazing all by his self .
he dont need no A class beat,he dont need 5 group members[mob figgaz anyone],he does not need big label push
the killer from cuba
fo' sho' fa' sheez....young d boyz the best bay group ever over 11/5,3x,the click,
the reason i bring it up is,that cut has so-so production at best yet tonys pressence and rhymes bring it to a whole other level.
the point is lots of rappers had tons of advantages in their corner thru out their history,while tony is amazing all by his self .
he dont need no A class beat,he dont need 5 group members[mob figgaz anyone],he does not need big label push
the killer from cuba
fo' sho' fa' sheez....young d boyz the best bay group ever over 11/5,3x,the click,